Perfect Mistake

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Hale's POV

"So, are you gonna say anything?" I asked. Maddie had been ignoring me for at least twenty minutes. All she did was look out the window. I sighed.

"Come on Maddie." I said, almost deflated. "Just gimme a chance to explain."

She turned to look at me. Her face was set in stone. Hard. Cold. "No."

A smile twitched at my lips. "Hey, its a start."

She opened her mouth, probably to say something clever and witty, but then she snapped it close and turned back out the window again.

"Okay." I said. "If you don't wanna listen, then I'll just talk. I mean, somebody has to be listening right?"

No answer.

Damn, major fuck up Kleiner.

"To whomever is listening." I began. "I just want to let Maddie know that I'm sorry. I did what I did and I wish I could take it back. It's just that...Maddie and I haven't spoken to each other in ages and--"

"It works both ways." Maddie grumbled.

My body got itchy. "What do you mean?"

She sat forward and groaned. "I mean that if you wanted to talk to me, you could have called me, text me, email me, something! I'm not the bad guy here who's changing for her boyfriend. I'm the same Maddie!"

I stared at the road ahead of me. I blew out a sigh, feeling Maddie's stare on my face.

"Take if take a picture it'll last longer." I smirked.

She hit my arm. "Shut it Kleiner."

It didn't hurt...much. She couldn't help it though, she was a softie. inside and out. I shook my head and turned up the radio, bobbing my head and strumming my fingers on the steering wheel to some lyrics I didn't even know. Maddie 

scoffed under her breath and shook her head.

"What?" I asked, still staring at the road ahead of me. "Is there a problem?"

"Do you even know this song? Like word by word?"

What did this have to do with anything?

"Nope." I answered honestly. "Sounds cool though."

Silence. I glanced at the clock. Quarter to five. Then at the sky. Dark clouds. Rain clouds. Maybe if she hadn't spent all that time running away from me, it wouldn't be so late. But I just couldn't help myself. I felt like I took advantage of her mind, she still did that thing when she thought out loud. So when she said she liked me...I went with my gut and took a chance.

And obviously my gut was wrong.

I was just about to say something but my cellphone rang in my pocket. Maddie jumped, causing me to chuckle. She glared me from the corner of her eyes. I quickly reached into my pocket and answered it without even looking at the screen to see who it was.

"Hello?" I asked timidly.

"Harry Simon Kleiner?" I heard my Aunt Melanie say through the phone.

Ugh. Full name. I was in some deep shit.

"What?" I asked. "Did something happen?"

I could hear her fuming over the phone. "It's almost five. Where are you sir?"

I looked around. And I honestly had no clue were I was. Trees, valleys, and cows.

"Harry!" She shouted over the phone. Damn pregnant woman hormones.

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