'Cause we Like to Party

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You look fine. You look fine. You've locked yourself in the bathroom for too long. Riley and Aaron have been waiting for you. Just unlock the door. Unlock the door, have fun, and go to this damn party.

As much of a pep talk I was giving myself, I couldn't seem to leave. I'd look in the mirror at my hair and makeup, and reach for the bathroom door...

And then it started all over again.

I blew a sigh. "You can do this. For real this time."

So when I reached for the doorknob for what seemed like the millionth time, my heart began to race and my hands got extremely clammy. I let out a frustrated groan and leaned against the wall, staring at myself in the mirror. Once again.

I was a mess.

Who was I kidding? I looked like a trashy slut. There was no denying it. I pulled my dress down, but it only felt like it came up shorter than before and covered less boobs. As when I pulled it up it exposed more less. It was a lose or lose situation. I groaned to myself. At least I had nice legs, I never noticed what nice calves I had. Many it was because of all those softball camps I went to when I was little, before Richard became a total asshole.

Someone banged on the door and I yelped. My heart paced against my ribcage.

"Maddie!" Riley called through the door. "Come on we're already past fashionably late! Quit holdin' up us!"

I gulped. "In a minute!" Damn. Voice crack.

"You said that thirty minutes ago." she whined. What a complainer.

I was trying my hardest to stall. Why did I not want to come out of this dang bathroom. The color of my eyes was beginning to hurt my eyes. Who in their right mind paints a bathroom orange? I sat down on the rim of the bathtub.

"Two more sec--"

I couldn't even finish my sentence because the doorknob was already moving. I jumped like an Olympian star as I grabbed for the knob, but the door was already slammed open. And there stood before me was a girl I barely even recognized. Well, knew it was Riley, it was just super difficult to tell. She wore an ocean blue party dress with converse sneakers. Really? How cliche.

"You must be eyeing my shoes." She said triumphantly. "I like to be different, now let's go! Aaron's waiting!"

My heart skipped a beat. Aaron? As she dragged me down the hall he was sitting on the couch, watching some reality television show. I could tell he hated it because not only was it the worse show ever created, it involved fake scenarios that could never happen.

"Ready?" Riley asked her brother. He huffed and got up and dusted off his dark jeans. I tried to dash the room before he came back but Riley grabbed my wrist and tightened her grip. I opened my mouth in pain and tried not to scream.

"Yeah, I'm..." His words died on his tongue as he looked at me.

Along with his dark jeans, he was wearing a button up light blue t shirt. As simple as it sounded, with his tall figure it made him look ten times more mature. His hair was full of gel, I only knew that because a had a little brother that used gel more than some girls used water bras.

"Well?!" Riley asked impatiently. It seemed like she was the only that was actually trying to talk. "How does she look?! Do not lie to me Aaron Alexander Smott, I worked too hard for her to look like this!"

Huh, Alexander. What a nice middle name.

He opened his mouth to speak. "No, she looks...gorgeous."

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