Chapter 4

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Jay, Lloyd, and Cole snuck around the line of people trying to enter the party.  They actually thought that it would be a lot harder to sneak in than it was.  When they got in, they saw how luxurious the inside of the palace really is.  They had never seen anything that looked so nice.

"So, this is how the emperor and empress live while we have nothing," Cole commented.

"Yep," Lloyd said.

"You both know the plan?" Jay asked.  They both nodded.  "I guess we should try to blend in."  The three of them started walking further into the party.

Kai and Nya were already in the party.  Kai was flirting with a lot of the girls while Nya didn't really want to be there.  She was watching Kai flirting and rolled her eyes at the girls who were swooning over him.  Eventually, she had enough of watching him and decided to intervene.  "I'm sorry, but I need to borrow Kai for a bit," she said to the girls around him and pulled him away.

"What did you do that for?" Kai asked his sister.

"I was tired of watching you flirt with every girl who would come up to you."

"Well, what can I say?  Girls like me."

Nya rolled her eyes again.

"Hi guys."  Kai and Nya turned to face the person who was talking.

"Princess Harumi," Kai said as he bowed and Nya did a curtsy as a sign of respect for the 14 year old princess.

"You know you two don't need to be so formal with me," Harumi said.

"Have you been able to get out of the palace at all?" Nya asked.

"No.  The only time I can really interact with people is during these parties.  I'm always stuck in this palace."

"Hello friends," Zane said as he walked up to them.  "And Princess Harumi."  He bowed.

"Seriously?!  Why is everyone so formal?!"

"It is just what we were taught," Zane responded.

Skylor, PIXAL, and Seliel were in the palace kitchen.  Skylor was making the food and preparing it for PIXAL and Seliel to serve.

"This food looks amazing, Sky," Seliel said.

"Thanks," Skylor said as she continued preparing some of the food she made.  "You guys can start bringing out the hors d'oeuvres for people to start eating."

"Of course, Skylor," PIXAL said as she and Seliel picked up plates to serve.  Skylor watched as her friends walked out and hoped that the people at the party will like her food.

Jay, Lloyd, and Cole were standing off to the side.  They didn't really know how to act at a party.

Cole noticed that something looked wrong with Jay.  He looked like he was having trouble breathing.  "Jay, are you ok?"

"Y-yeah," Jay said.  "I think I just realized that I don't like being in big crowds.  I need to get some air.  You guys continue with the plan."  Lloyd and Cole nodded as Jay walked off.  Jay walked into the back courtyard.  It was open to guests, but nobody was currently out there.  He sat down on a bench and worked on steadying his breathing.

Nya was walking around the party after talking to Kai, Zane, and Harumi.  She really hated these parties, but she was always forced to attend.  As she was walking, she noticed someone who was outside by himself and she decided to go talk to him.  She walked out to the back courtyard and up to the boy.  "Is this seat taken?" she asked and gestured to the empty seat next to him.

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