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It has been four years since we took down the emperor and empress and Lloyd and Harumi started ruling over Ninjago.  There were people who were skeptical of them as the rulers because of who their parents were, but they quickly showed everybody that they have kinder hearts than their parents.  They also made new laws that benefitted the citizens of Ninjago and not themselves.  That showed everyone how different they are from their parents.  It took Lloyd a year after they took the throne before he finally asked her out.  Watching them flirt with each other all the time was painful, especially since they were both really bad at it.  Everyone loved the idea of their two rulers dating.  Harumi also found out that the emperor and empress aren't her real parents while looking through their things.  Lloyd has been trying to help her figure out what happened to her birth parents, even though Harumi probably already knows the answer knowing the kind of people the emperor and empress were.

Cole made up with his dad and they've spent a lot of time together trying to catch up on everything.  He comes by quite often also.  Even though he doesn't live with us anymore, he's still our brother.  He's also been dating Seliel.

Zane has been working with his father on new inventions for Ninjago.  This time, to help the citizens of Ninjago instead of the royal family.  PIXAL and Cyrus Borg also help sometimes.  Zane and PIXAL and still dating.

Skylor, PIXAL, and Seliel opened a new and bigger noodle shop in Ninjago with the help of their father's.  They decided to call it "Skylor's Noodle Shop."  Not really an original name since they just replaced Master Chen with Skylor, but she was excited when her father announced the name change.  PIXAL and Seliel have been helping Skylor manage the restaurant.  Skylor continued dating Kai.

Speaking of Kai.  Him and Nya have been working on improving their relationship with their parents.  It has been hard with everything their parents did.  They've gone on a few vacations with them over the past four years for "family bonding time."  Kai and Nya still aren't sure if they can completely trust their parents again, but their relationship with their parents has definitely improved.

As for me, it's been different living in the palace.  When I first moved in, I spent some time recovering from my stab wound.  I did fully recover from it, but it did leave a scar.  I also spent some time adjusting to the fact that I actually have a home and full meals instead of eating whatever I can steal.  Lloyd's mother and uncle have been amazing to me.  They have really made me feel like part of the family.  They do the same for Cole whenever he comes over.  The others all came over a lot to hang out and they still come over quite a bit.  Ninjago knows what we did and even though Lloyd and Harumi are the rulers, we're all kind of famous in the people's eyes.  Of course, I've been going on dates with Nya.  Although, we can't seem to go out into Ninjago City on a date without someone wanting an interview.  The others have the same problem.  We've still have a very strong relationship which is what brings me to what I'm going to do tonight...

Jay spent hours setting everything up.  Tonight had to be perfect.

Nya walked out the door of the palace to the back courtyard where Jay was.  He told her to meet him here.  She didn't know what he had planned.  "Hey Jay," she said.  "What's up?"

"I thought dinner under the stars would be nice," Jay said.

Nya sat down at the table Jay had set up for the two of them and looked at her plate of food.  "Spaghetti and meatballs?"

"I don't know how to cook much and I wanted to make you a meal."

Nya reached across the table and grabbed Jay's hand.  "It's perfect, Jay."

They enjoyed their meal and talked about a variety of different things.  Not much different from all their other dates.  "You know why I picked this place?" Jay asked after they finished their meal.

"Why?" Nya asked.  She was intrigued where Jay was going with this.

"It's the place we met.  Where you sat down next to me on that bench."  He pointed to the bench they sat on a few years ago.  "And you made sure that I was ok and we talked about how I was different from all the others guys you met."

Nya laughed a little at how Jay was describing it.  "I also remember us talking about graffiti on murals which I found out later was you guys.  Then, you had to run because your friends were being chased by the royal guards and Cole dropped the flashdrive."

"But you picked it up and made it a point to get it back to us which is how we ended up starting the Truth Seekers.  I also believe that if all of that didn't happen, we would've never found each other."  This time, Jay reached across the table and grabbed Nya's hand.  "I can't imagine my life without you, Nya.  I never expected to fall in love with anyone like I fell for you."  Jay let go of Nya's hand, got out of his seat, and pulled out a little black box he was hiding.  "You are the most amazing girl I've ever met."  He got down on one knee and opened the box.  "Nya Smith, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

"Yes!" Nya said instantly and Jay put the ring on her.  Jay stood up as Nya jumped out of her chair and wrapped her arms around her fiancé.

Suddenly, they heard applause from the enterance to the back courtyard.  They looked over and saw all their friends there.

"How long have you guys been standing there?" Jay asked.

"There was no way we were going to miss watching this moment," Cole said.

"My little sister is going to be getting married," Kai said.  "I'm going to let it slide that you're getting married before me."

"Well, if you would've asked sooner maybe that wouldn't be the case," Skylor said and Kai blushed in embarrassment.  "But we're all happy for you two."

"You two are perfect for each other." Seliel said.

"Congratulations to both of you," Zane said.

"Congratulations," PIXAL repeated the sentiment.

"And we're going to throw you two the biggest wedding Ninjago has ever seen," Lloyd said referring to him and Harumi.  Harumi nodded in agreement.

"That's not neccesary," Jay said.

"After everything that's happened, I think it's completely necessary."

"I wouldn't mind it, Jay," Nya said and then started whispering close to his ear.  "We'll go someone for our honeymoon that will be completely private."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The two kissed with all of their friends watching.  A couple of photographers came out of the palace and took pictures of the happy couple.  The others came up to them and they got a group picture taken.  They all ended up getting their happy ending after all.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!  I loved writing this story and I hope that all of you are satisfied with the ending.  Thank you to everyone who read, voted, and commented on this story!  You guys are amazing!

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