Chapter 17

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"Is everyone ready?" Lloyd asked the group.  The nine teenagers were going to break into the palace to end this.  Tonight.  They were going to dethrone the emperor and empress.  This was the only way that Ninjago could be peaceful again.  The reason that they chose tonight was because there had been protests at the palace all week and the palace guards have started to attack the protesters.  It's been pretty clear that the public view has turned even more against the emperor and empress after that.  The emperor and empress are also imposing a curfew over Ninjago tonight.

The group nodded in response to Lloyd's question.  They all knew the risk that they were taking tonight, but this was their best chance to take down the emperor and empress.  Everyone started heading out to the motorcycles that were hidden behind building.

Lloyd couldn't stop thinking about what Harumi told him before they escaped the palace.  The fact that he knew the truth about what the emperor and empress did so long ago and now knew who the person they've been trying to hunt down is was worrying.  He hadn't actually told the others about that, but now he was extremely worried since they were going to break into the palace tonight.  "Jay, can I talk you for a minute?" he asked his friend as the others were walking out.

"Sure," Jay said confused.  He wasn't sure why Lloyd wanted to talk when they were all getting ready to break into the palace, but Lloyd sounded serious when he asked.  The others walked out which just left Jay and Lloyd.  "What is it?"

"Before we escaped the palace before, I talked with Princess Harumi."

"I know.  We had to wait for you."  Jay really didn't know what Lloyd wanted to tell him.  He already knew that Lloyd had a conversation with Harumi before they left.  They all politely waited, even though they knew that the palace guards were closing in on them.  Lloyd didn't tell them what he talked about with the princess and none of them asked because they felt like it was probably a private conversation, but now Jay was questioning what they talked about.

"Right," Lloyd said.  He was honestly wondering why none of them had yelled at him that they had to leave, but he thought better than to question it.  "She actually told me something important.  When we were taken prisoner by the emperor and empress, they took DNA samples from all us and tested it."

"They what?!"

"They know who you are Jay.  They know that you're the kid who they have been trying to find for years and they still want to kill you.  If you come with us, there's a good chance that you could end up dead."

"What about you?"  Jay decided to turn the conversation around on Lloyd.  "If they know who I am, there's a good chance they know who you are!  They probably know that you're the son of Lord Garmadon!"

"They do know that."

"Then, why are you lecturing me about the fact that I could die?!  We all could die doing what we're about to do!  So, why are you so worried about me?!"

"BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONE THEY'LL PROBABLY GO AFTER!!!" Lloyd shouted and he kind of expected the others to come in and ask what's going on with how loud it was.  The two boys just stared at each other for a couple of minutes.  Neither one said a word.  Lloyd decided to break the silence in a softer tone.  "You're probably the one they're going to target and...I don't want to lose you...or Cole for that matter.  You two are like my brothers.  You are the one who helped me out after my parents went to prison."  Lloyd started tearing up.  "I don't know where I would be without you.  I was nine years old and I had no one until I met an eleven year old who was living in an abandoned warehouse and was all alone like me."  He playfully punched Jay in the arm.  "You helped me to be able to survive."

"Let's not forget that you were the one who helped me realize that it was ok to let someone in considering that you were the first person that I ever told my backstory to."  Jay playfully punched Lloyd in the arm back.  "You helped me to be able to care for someone again and I do think of you as my brother too.  You're like my little brother and big brothers always protect their little brothers, so there is no way that I'm letting you go without me.  If I'm not there, their next target will be you and I'm not going to let that happen."  Lloyd launched himself at Jay and wrapped his arms around him in a hug.  Jay hugged him back.  He knew that Lloyd was probably scared and so was he, but he wasn't going to show Lloyd how scared he was.  No, his little brother needed him to be brave.

"Please, just be careful," Lloyd mumbled into Jay's shoulder.

"I will be as careful as I can be."


"I promise."

Lloyd released Jay from the hug and composed himself.  He wiped away the tears that had run down his cheeks and realized that he hadn't broken down like that for a long time, but he didn't want anything to happen to his brother.  Either of his brothers.  He knew Jay was in more trouble than Cole was and Jay was right.  If he wasn't there, Lloyd would be the next big target.  Lloyd didn't like the fact that Jay was going to come, but he also couldn't stop him.

"We better get going," Jay said which shook Lloyd out of his thoughts.  "The others will be wondering what's taking us so long.  Are you ok?"

Lloyd nodded.  "Yeah.  I'll be fine," he said.  "Let's get this show on the road."

The two of them started walking out.  "Good luck, boys," Ronin called out.  "You're gonna need it."  The two boys looked at Ronin and nodded.  Yes, they were going to need some luck, but they also had each other and the rest of their group.  What they were going to do tonight would determine the fate of Ninjago.

A/N: I'm so sorry this took so long.  I hope you enjoyed!

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