Chapter 14

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Jay, Lloyd, and Cole were being transported to the palace in a police transport van.  They were all in the back of the van in handcuffs.  They knew why they were being taken to the palace.  They were about to be executed on live TV.  Before they were taken into the van, they had been trying to brainstorm ideas of how to get out of this and, sadly, they couldn't come up with anything.  This didn't really seem like a situation that they were getting out of.  Strangely, after hearing the truth about what happened to his family, Jay didn't really seem to care what happened to him anymore.  This was just going to make him another victim of the emperor and empress.  He was the last living member of family.  He didn't really want to let the emperor and empress win, but if he was about to die, he wasn't going to fight it either.  He was more worried about how Lloyd and Cole were feeling.  Both of them have family that are still alive.  Lloyd's mother and uncle are in prison and even though Cole isn't on good terms with his dad and hadn't seen him or talked to him in years, at least his dad was still alive.  He did think about Nya, but he knew that she could find somebody else.  She didn't need him.

After what felt like an eternity, they arrived at the palace.  Honestly, it was like the whole day was moving in slow motion for them.  There was a lot of paparazzi outside of the palace waiting for them to arrive.  They didn't say anything as they were dragged out of the van and into the palace.  They were led into the throne room where the emperor, empress, and Princess Harumi were.  Lloyd took notice of how Princess Harumi looked at them with sadness in her eyes.  It was like she felt sorry for them.

"The famous Tuth Seekers," the emperor said in a sinister voice.  "To think, it a group of teenagers who dared to rebel against us.  I never would've expected that."  He then looked to the royal guards that the teenagers were handed off to when they arrived.  "Take them into one of the cells until it's time!"  The palace had a few cells in it in case they ever needed to hold someone in the palace.  This was surprisingly the first time they were using one those cells.  An execution seemed like a perfect time for them to finally uput one those cells to use.

The guards took them to one of the cells, took their handcuffs off, and pushed them into the cell.  After the guards left, it took a few minutes before any of them spoke.

"What now?" Cole asked.  "There has to be someway to get out of this."

Lloyd looked to his friend wearing blue.  "Any ideas, Jay?"  Lloyd and Cole noticed how resigned Jay had looked in the van.  It was like he just accepted what was going to happen.  They had just given him such a great motivational speech the day before right after he had found out the truth about what happened to his family.

Jay shrugged.  "I don't think there's anything we can do at this point," Jay said in a monotone voice.

"Oh no!" Cole said harsher than he intended, but he continued with that tone.  "Don't get all mopey on us now!  We've been through so much together and we've always gotten out of it!  We can get out of this too!"

"And how do you think we're going to get out of this!" Jay snapped back at Cole.  "The emperor and empress have killed so many people including my birth parents, my adopted parents, and your mother!  We're about to become three more of their victims!"

"Guys, let's not fight with each other right now," Lloyd said while trying to be the voice of reason.  It's kind of funny how the youngest of the three had to act more mature right now.  Lloyd turned to Jay.  "We'll figure this out.  Please, don't give up."  Lloyd turned to Cole who was about to say something.  "And you.  Try not to be so harsh."  Lloyd sighed.  "If this really is the end, let's try not to fight.  If we're taken out to be executed while being on bad terms with each other, I'm pretty sure we'll regret it in our last few moments."

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