Chapter 10

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Warning: Underage drinking

Jay, Lloyd, and Cole were walking down the streets of Ninjago City.  It was the morning, but they were scoping out their target for tonight.  They wanted to see all of their escape routes to know where to run if things took a turn.  They all are really hoping that the police won't show up tonight because Nya was going to be with them, but they never get that lucky.

As they were walking, they passed by three girls and Cole bumped into one of the girls who had pink hair with a blue streak in it and knocked her over.  "I'm so sorry," Cole said and helped her up.

"It's ok," the girl said as she looked up at him.  They both froze for a moment.  "I'm Seliel, by the way."

"I'm Cole."

Seliel noticed her friends were ahead of her and stopped to wait for her to catch up.  "I have to go.  I hope we can meet again sometime."

"Me too."  Cole watched Seliel catch up with her friends and was snapped out of his trance by a smack from both Jay and Lloyd.  "Ow!  What was that for?!"

"You know what it was for," Lloyd said.

"Let's just go scope out the new mural."  The three boys continued walking.

Kai and Zane were sitting down in the living room of the Smith family house.  Zane was talking, but Kai wasn't really listening.  He was trying to think about what to do with the whole Nya situation.  There are two options to this situation: keep quiet or report what he knows.

"Kai?  Is everything alright?" Zane asked.

"I don't know," Kai said and then decided to tell Zane his dilemma.  "I found out some information that involves my sister."  He sighed.  "You remember those boys we saw her with that one day."

"Of course."

"They're the Truth Seekers."

"You mean those people who have been accusing the emperor and empress of being murderers?"

"Exactly.  I don't know how she got involved in it, but she did."

"The responsible thing to do is report it.  She might face some time in prison for her role in it, but she is breaking the law."

"You're right, Zane.  It might not be easy, but it's the right thing to do."

It was 8:55 at night when Nya was walking down the streets of Ninjago City to meet up with the boys.  She told her parents that she was staying at a friend's house like she told the boys she would.  She entered the warehouse at 9:00 exactly and walked up the stairs.  When she got up to the second floor, she saw the boys ready to go with cans of spray paint in hand.  "Ready to go?" she asked.  The boys turned and saw Nya.  She was dressed in a blue beanie, red hoodie, jeans, and blue sneakers.  They noticed that she was dressed similar to them, only her clothes didn't look nearly as old.  She noticed the way they looked at her.  "What?  I thought this would be more appropriate for what we're doing tonight."

"It's great," Jay said and then realized what he said.  "I mean it's great for what we're doing tonight and it will help so people don't recognize you as easily."

"I got what you meant," Nya said.  "Should we get going?"

"Y-yeah.  Cole, do you have the design for how we want it to look?"

"Yeah," Cole said and showed the others the design that he made for what they're going to spray paint.

"That's what we're going to do?" Nya asked.

"Yeah," Lloyd said.  "Cole always makes the design for it."

"Got it."

"Let's get going," Jay said and the four started heading to the new mural.

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