Chapter 19

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Jay was confused when he woke up and everything around him was white.  Was he actually dead?  Was this what it looked like when someone died?

"Jay."  He turned around when he heard his name and saw his adopted parents.

"Ma.  Dad."  Jay couldn't believe he was actually seeing them, but they were also with two people that Jay didn't really recognize.

"Hello Jay," the man he didn't recognize said.  "Last time we saw you was when we left you with this nice couple."

Jay was putting the pieces together in his head.  "Y-You're my birth parents."

"Yes, we are," the woman, Libber, said.

"We are all so proud of you," Edna told her adopted son.

"You spoke up for what you believed in," Ed added.

"I guess I died for what I believe in like all of you," Jay said with a small laugh.

Libber walked up to him and cupped his cheek.  She looked at him with a loving smile and tears in her eyes.  "My sweet boy, it's not your time yet."

"What?  I finally found my family again."

"You already found your family."

Jay knew what she meant.  He didn't want to leave when he just got reunited with both sets of parents, but at the same time, he wanted to be back with his brothers and the love of his life.

"We will always be with you."

Jay slowly opened his eyes.  The first thing he heard was a constant beeping sound.  He looked around and noticed that it was a heart monitor.  When he looked around, he also noticed everyone that was the room with him.  It wasn't just Lloyd, Cole, and Nya.  The rest of the group was there too.  They were all currently sleeping, but that made sense after how they all had just fought the emperor, empress, and royal guard.  Then again, Jay also didn't know how long he was out.  Nya was sleeping with her head on the edge of the bed Jay was laying on and she was holding his hand.

Nya started to stir in her sleep as she started to wake up.  When she lifted her head up, she was met with Jay looking back at her.  "Jay!" she said and wrapped her arms around him.  She also unintentionally woke everyobody else up.

Lloyd and Cole got up and stood right next to the bed once they noticed that Jay was awake.  "Don't ever scare us like that again," Cole said to Jay once Nya released him.

"We were worried that we might lose you," Lloyd said.

"You can't get rid of me that easily," Jay said with a smile.

"Cole and Zane were probably the ones that saved your life. They worked hard to help you until Princess Harumi got the palace doctor who treated you until we could get you to the hospital."

Kai, Zane, Skylor, PIXAL, and Seliel stood back and watched because they weren't close to Jay like the others were.

They all looked towards the door when they heard footsteps over there.  They expected it to be a doctor coming to check up on Jay.  They weren't expecting Harumi to be there.

"Princess Harumi," Kai said and he and Zane bowed.

"That's not necessary," Harumi said.  "Jay, I'm glad to see that you're doing better."

"Thank you," Jay said.

"Lloyd, can I talk to you for a minute?"

All heads turned to Lloyd.  They weren't sure what she wanted to talk to him about and that made them curious.  "Sure," Lloyd responded and walked into the hallway with Harumi.  "What is it, Princess?"

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