Chapter 7

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This chapter will be happening at the same time as the last chapter after the Smith family breakfast.

Skylor was working at her dad's noodle shop again. She enjoyed being at the party a couple of nights ago and strangely, she kept thinking about that strange encounter she had with one of the guests at the party. Kai. She still remembered his name. He thought that every girl would just automatically fall for him, but Skylor didn't go for that.

Her mind drifted to how it was to be working the party in general. She had never done a job without her father before and she enjoyed it. Everybody at the party loved her cooking and she was happy about that. The palace was beautiful and the kitchen was the biggest kitchen she had ever worked in or even seen.

She looked up when she heard the bell chime that was on the door to alert them when someone entered. She was surprised to see that it was the same guest that she encountered at the party and one of his friends.

"How can I help you?" she asked. She wasn't sure if he remembered her.

"Skylor, right?" he asked.

Apparently, he did remember her. "Yeah. I'm sorry. What was your name again?" She was trying to act like she didn't remember his name.


"Right. Kai. What are you doing here? Would you like some noodles?"

"We're here to..."

Kai got cut off when PIXAL and Seliel entered. "Zane?" PIXAL said when she saw the android she had met at the party.

"Hello PIXAL," Zane said.

"What are they doing here?" Seliel asked Skylor. Both Skylor and PIXAL had mentioned meeting Kai and Zane to Seliel. She wished that she had met someone at the party like they did. PIXAL talked about how she loved meeting someone who was like her and even though Skylor claims to not have liked Kai, Seliel knew that Skylor thought Kai was cute.

"I was just trying to figure that out," Skylor said.

"We thought that your food was amazing at the party, so we talked with the emperor and empress and they told us where your shop was and asked us if we could come down to ask you girls if you would like to work more events at the palace."

"Really?!" Skylor couldn't believe it. The emperor and empress as well as the rest of the party guests liked her cooking that much that they want her and her friends to work more events at the palace! This was a dream come true, but she was not going to lose her cool in front of them. "That's great. We just have to talk it over before we give you a definite answer."

"Of course," Kai said and handed Skylor a slip of paper. "Call me when you decide and I'll tell the emperor and empress your decision. It's a great opportunity that you girls should take."

Skylor nodded and took the slip of paper from Kai. Kai and Zane waved goodbye and left.

"He is cute," Seliel told Skylor once the two boys left.

"I never said he was cute!" Skylor exclamied angrily.

"But you were thinking it when you originally told us about him."

"No I wasn't."

"You were blushing while talking about him."

"I'm not saying I think that, but if I did, nothing could happen between us anyway. He is part of the wealthy group of Ninjago and our dads are hiding in the back to make sure the emperor and empress don't find them."

"The emperor and empress are not actually after your dad," PIXAL said.

"He's just a drama queen," Seliel added.

"That's...true." Skylor couldn't argue with that statement. "But still. We're harboring fugitives with your dads."

"At least you and PIXAL actually met cute boys at the party. I didn't."

"But we can't have a future with those boys." Skylor looked down at the number in her hand. "This is such an amazing offer."

"I agree," PIXAL said. "It will definitely help our father out financially.

"Plus, we will get to go to all of the emperor and empress's parties and maybe I could meet someone like you two did," Seliel said.

"I thought we just talked about this," Skylor said and then sighed looking at the number. "Let's go ask our dads about this."

The three girls walked into the back where their dads were. Their dads were sitting around talking about the story on the front page of the newspaper. Skylor noticed the headline said, "The Truth Seekers: Friends or Foes."

"These Truth Seekers are digging their own grave," John said. "The emperor and empress are going to have their heads."

"They are either incredibly brave or incredibly stupid," Cyrus said.

"Probably a bit of both," Chen joined in.

"I think that they're more stupid than anything," John said.

"Hi dad," Skylor said to make her presence known.

"Skylor!" Chen said startled. "Why aren't you in the shop?"

"I just came back here for a minute with PIXAL and Seliel because we wanted to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"We just got an offer that we feel is amazing and probably a once in a lifetime offer."

"What is this offer?" John asked.

"A couple of guys that we met at the party came in and told us that the emperor and empress want us to work more events at the palace."

"That's incredible!" Cyrus said. "What did you girls say?"

"Skylor told them that we needed to think it over," PIXAL said. "One of the boys gave us a number to call once we make our decision."

"I don't know about this," John said. "Doing it once was one thing, but working a lot of events at the palace is another. It will make it harder to keep us hidden."

"Relax, dad," Seliel said as she sat down next to her father. "We will make sure that no one finds out that you and Mr. Borg worked for Lord Garmadon. We got this."

"Are you sure?" John asked. Seliel nodded. "Ok."

"I'm ok with it too," Chen added in. "Go ahead and call, Skylor."

Skylor smiled at her father and picked up the one phone they had and called the number Kai gave her. This was an opportunity they couldn't refuse.

A/N: Sorry this took so long. I hope you enjoyed!

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