Chapter 18

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The teenagers managed to get closer to the palace than expected before having to drop the motorcycles.

"This part was easier than expected," Lloyd commented since they were actually pretty close to the palace already.

"It looked like most of the royal guards were busy with the protesters," Kai said.  "There were a few I noticed weren't there though."  It made sense that Kai would notice that.  Zane and Nya nodded in agreement with what Kai said.  With how the three of them were raised, they would probably know all or almost all of the royal guards.

"Well, let's go take down the emperor and empress!" Cole said.  "It'll be easier to dethrone them with most of the royal guards focussed on the protesters."

"Cole is right," Jay said.  "Let's do this."

The three of them walked up to the palace and actually walked in through the front door.  They really should've left some more protection at the palace.  Jay, Kai, and Zane were still the only ones that had guns since they had them in the last fight.  Skylor, PIXAL, and Seliel brought the frying pans they used since it was surprisingly effective.  Nya had managed to sneakily steal a knife from Ronin before they left.  Lloyd and Cole were just planning on winging it when it came to weapons.  They had tried to ask Ronin for some guns, but he told them they had to pay which was fine until Kai, Zane, and Nya found out that their accounts had been frozen.  Figures.

They walked all the way to the throne room before encountering any royal guards, but even then, the royal guards just let them enter.  This was weird.  Really weird.

They walked into the throne room where the emperor and empress were waiting for them.  Lloyd looked around, but didn't see Princess Harumi.  He was truthfully worried for her after she helped them escape the palace before.  He hoped that her parents didn't figure out that she helped them.  He hoped they were decent enough to not hurt their own daughter, but then again, they're cold blooded murderers, so you never know.

"So, the Truth Seekers have returned," the emperor said.  "I have to say, that's very brave of you.  Stupid but brave."  He stood up from his throne and started to slowly walk towards the group.  "I never would've expected to have the kids of some of my old enemies be the ones who reveal our secrets.  The son of Cliff and Libber, the son of Lord Garmadon, and the son of Lily."

"You killed my mother!  You murderer!" Cole snapped and was about to charge at the emperor, but Lloyd and Kai held him back.

"Calm down, Cole," Lloyd said.  "Don't give him the satisfaction of you getting worked up."

The emperor chuckled.  "As for you the three," he said gesturing to Skylor, PIXAL, and Seliel.  "Don't think I didn't figure out who your fathers are.  They're currently in custody as are Ray, Maya, and Dr. Julien."

Everyone was shocked by that revelation.  "Why are our parents in jail?!" Nya asked.  "They didn't do anything!"  Nya might not like her parents, but they have been on the emperor and empress's side.  Why were they arrested?

"Because they raised fugitives and it's to make sure that they don't try anything to save their kids."

"Why did you make it so easy for us to come in here?" Jay spoke up.

The emperor grinned menacingly.  "Because I wanted to watch all of you meet your end."

A few more royal guards came running into the room.  It still wasn't nearly as many as they were expecting.  Jay, Kai, and Zane pulled out their guns and the rest of the group got their weapons ready, except for Lloyd and Cole.

It was a standoff for a few minutes.  Neither side was making a move.  Both sides were waiting for the other side to make the first move.  Surprisingly, it was Kai who shot first because he was getting too impatient.  He shot one of the guards and the gun dropped and ending up getting knocked across the floor and stopping in front of Cole.

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