Chapter 12

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Nya's parents grounded her.  She was told that she had to stay in her room.  She couldn't believe that her parents have been keeping the emperor and empress's secrets for so long even though they killed two of her mom's good friends!  She couldn't believe that her parents would do that.  She was also terrified for what was going to happen to Jay, Lloyd, and Cole.  She had to go see them.  Luckily, she knew her parents were about to go to a meeting with the emperor and empress.  She was planning on sneaking out as soon as they left.  She won't get caught as long as she gets back before they do.

She heard a knock on the door.  "Come in," she said in an irritated voice.

The door opened and her mother walked in.  "I just wanted to tell you that we're leaving," Maya said.

"Yeah.  Whatever."  Nya turned away and looked at a wall in her room.  She would rather look at the wall than face her mother at the moment.

Maya moved over to her daughter's bed and sat on the edge.  "I know you're mad at me, but you have to understand the circumstances behind our decision.  They were threatening you and Kai.  At the time, Kai was only two years old and you were just a baby.   You both were our world and we couldn't let anything happen to either of you.  You'll understand when you have someone you really care about."

"I do," Nya whispered so soft that her mother just heard mumbling.


"I do!" Nya shouted and turned to face her mother.  "But he's going to be executed!"

"It's for the best," Maya said trying to sound comforting.  "There will always be other guys out there."

"No!  Not like him!"  Nya turned away again.  She didn't want to show her mother the tears that were forming in the corner of her eyes.

Maya looked at her daughter with sympathy.  She actually did feel bad, but in order to continue protecting Kai and Nya, she couldn't do anything about it.  "I'm sorry, Nya," Maya said.  "I hope you can forgive me and your father eventually."  Maya stood up and left her daughter's room.  Her daughter was mad at her and she wasn't sure where her son went.  After finding out about everything at the palace, he said he needed some time to think and didn't say where he was going.  Maya was worried about what he was doing.

Nya watched from the window of her room as her parents left.  She waited a couple of minutes after they left before leaving the house just to make sure they didn't forget anything and needed to come back.

She went out of the house and hurried down to the police station.  When she got there,  she knew that she probably wouldn't be let in to see them.  She looked around and found a janitor's closet and she was lucky enough to find a police uniform in it.  She put it on and found a key card in the pocket.  "Ok," she said to herself in the closet.  "Whoever left this here is a really stupid police officer."  She walked into the back towards the jail cells.  She kept her head down the entire time while walking.  When she got to the door to enter the area with the jail cells, she used the key card to get in there.  Once she was in there, she spotted the three boys she was looking for in one of the holding cells and walked over to them.

"Great," Cole said.  "Another cop here to tell us that what we did was wrong."

Nya took off the police officer hat she was wearing.  "Not quite," she said.

"Nya?" Jay said.

"Yeah.  It's me.  I had to come see you guys."

"Really?  Considering that it's probably your fault we're here," Cole spat.

"No," she said.  "I really didn't say anything.  My stupid brother found out somehow."

"Well, why aren't you in trouble?"

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