Chapter 11

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Jay woke up the next morning with Nya sleeping right next to him.  He smiled as he remembered the events of the previous night including their kiss.  It was his first kiss and it was so perfect.  He quietly got out of bed and walked to the living room where Lloyd and Cole were and they both smirked at him when he entered.

"So, how was last night?" Lloyd asked.

"What do you mean?" Jay played dumb.

"We're talking about you and Nya," Cole said.

"After you guys fell asleep, we just talked for a little while.  I might have told her about my backstory and then there might have been a kiss."

"You guys kissed?!" Lloyd said.

"Nice work," Cole added.

"Whatever," Jay said and rolled his eyes.  "Yes, last night was amazing and yes, it was probably the best night of my life, but you guys don't need to make a big deal out of it."

"You two have been dancing around your feelings for each other for over a month," Cole said.  "It's about time you both owned up to your feelings."

Jay was about to say something, but the three boys heard footsteps coming up the stairs.  The only people who would go in there are the three of them and Nya who they knew was asleep in Jay's room.  As the footsteps got closer, a canister got tossed into the room and tear gas exploded out of it.  The three boys started coughing and their eyes started tearing up as police started to enter the room.  "Get down with your hands in the air!" they yelled.  The police were wearing gas masks to protect them from the tear gas.  Jay, Lloyd, and Cole put their hands in the air and got down on their knees as best as they could with the tear gas in the room.  When the police got to the three boys, they shoved them down onto their stomachs and started putting them in handcuffs.

Nya heard the commotion and came into the living room and immediately started coughing from the tear gas.  She looked up and noticed the police there.  "What's going on in here?" she asked and started running up to them, but she got grabbed.  She looked at who grabbed her and noticed that it was her brother who was also wearing a gas mask.  "Kai?!  Let me go!"

"No can do, sis," Kai said.  "The emperor and empress would like to speak to you."

"No!  Kai, please let me go!"  She looked back over to the three boys and more specifically the one she had kissed.  "Jay!"  Jay lifted his head up when he heard Nya's voice.  He had some trouble seeing her, but he managed to find where she was and saw someone was holding her.  Their eyes locked and Nya could see the fear in Jay's eyes.

The police lifted the three boys to their feet.  "You ratted us out!" Cole yelled at Nya.

"No, I didn't!" Nya yelled back in tears.  "I would never!"

"She's telling the truth," Kai said.  "She didn't say anything about you guys."

Nya glared up at her brother who was still holding her to make sure she didn't go running to the boys.

Jay, Lloyd, and Cole were taken to jail while Nya was taken to the palace.  Kai accompanied her as they walked inside.  Nya didn't want to go in, but she didn't really have a choice at the moment considering that there were guards around them to make sure that Nya didn't try to run away.  When they walked in, Nya saw the emperor and empress on their thrones and Princess Harumi was also with them.  Ray and Maya were standing off to the side.

Nya could see that the emperor was angry.  The emperor looked over to her parents.  "How did you two raise such a disobedient girl?" he said.  "I thought you two would've taught her to mind her own business."

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