Chapter 5

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"How could you have lost the flashdrive?!" Jay yelled at Cole.  It was the day after the party.  Right after they got back, they all went straight to bed and Cole didn't tell them right away when he noticed that he had dropped the flashdrive.

"Sorry!" Cole yelled.  "I must've dropped it while I was running and who are you to talk anyway?!  You were the one who was talking to a girl while we were doing the hard work!"  He gestured to himself and Lloyd.

Jay looked at Lloyd.  "He does have a point," Lloyd said and then looked at Cole.  "But you should've been more careful with it!"

They all stopped yelling at each other when they heard footsteps coming up the stairs.  Since there were only three people who lived there and all three of them were together, they had no clue who it could be and that worried them.  They all just stared in the direction of the top of the stairs and were greeted by someone they definitely weren't expecting.

"Nya?" Jay asked and walked up to her.  "What are you doing here?"

"So, this is the real you," Nya said.  "I should've guessed from the way you were acting last night."  Jay, Lloyd, and Cole were all wearing their worn out clothes.  All three boys were confused, so Nya decided to actually show them why she was there.  "Your friend dropped this last night," she said and handed Jay the flashdrive.

"You...brought this to us?" Jay asked surprised.

"It looked important."

Lloyd asked a question that was on his mind.  "How did you even find this place?"

"I might've hacked into security cameras around the city and saw you three heading in this direction.  It looked like you guys were probably heading for this building," Nya said and the three boys just looked at her confused.  "I do that sometimes.  Also, you guys are the ones that go around vandalizing murals, huh?"

The three boys stared in disbelief and questioned how they weren't found if Nya had saw them on the security cameras. 

"Don't worry.  I couldn't see your faces on there.  I had a hunch and it was proven by the cans of spray paint in the corner.  It was actually a guess that I was following the right people."  Nya decided to change topics.  "So, what's on the flashdrive?"

The three boys looked at each other, silently asking if they should tell her.  Jay remembered how Nya was skeptical about the emperor and empress.  "How much do you know about the emperor and empress?" he asked.

"Not much, except for the fact that they don't care about anyone except the wealthy people of Ninjago," Nya said.

"You said that you were skeptical of th-"

Cole walked up to Jay and put a hand over him mouth.  "Excuse us for a minute," Cole said and walked into a corner with Jay and Lloyd.  "What are you doing?" he asked Jay.

"What?" Jay asked.

"You were about to tell her what we were doing.  She was at the party.  Her family is obvious close to the emperor and empress.  We can't trust her!"

"I actually think we can.  She didn't have to deliver the flashdrive to us, but she did.  She also hacked into security footage around the city which could get her into trouble if anybody finds out.  We have the proof on the flashdrive anyway."

Lloyd and Cole looked at each other before they caved.  "Fine," they both said.

"Just don't let your feelings get in the way of this," Cole said.

"Feelings?" Jay asked.

"It's obvious you like her," Lloyd said.

"No I don't."

"Whatever you say."

The three boys walked back to Nya.  "Do you want to learn more about the emperor and empress?" Jay asked.  "What we want to show you definitely won't put them in a good light, but it's something that people deserve to know."

"Whatever it is, I want to know," Nya said.

Jay held up the flashdrive.  "This flashdrive has a list of everyone the emperor and empress has either had killed or wants dead."


"I know it's hard to believe, but they want everyone who doesn't agree with them killed."

"It's actually not as hard to believe as you would think."

Jay grabbed a laptop that they had that was thrown away and Jay had fixed up.  He plugged in the flashdrive to pull up the list.  While he was doing this, Lloyd realized that he and Cole didn't introduce themselves yet.  "I'm Lloyd, by the way, and this is Cole."

"It's nice to meet you," Nya said.  Jay pulled up the list and turned the laptop to show Nya.  "Woah," she said as she looked at the list.  "That's a lot of people.  You guys snuck into the party to steal this list?"

They nodded.

"How are you planning on telling the people of Ninjago?" Nya asked.

"We're not sure yet," Jay answered.  "We haven't really gotten that far."

"Can I see?" Nya asked.  Jay hesitantly handed the laptop over.  She worked on doing something on the laptop for a few minutes.  The entire time, the boys are watching her and wondering what she was doing.  Eventually, Nya tells them.  "I was thinking that we could make a blog to post it.  It could save a lot of people who are on this list and are still alive."

"That's...a good idea," Lloyd said.

"We can organize by making a few different lists.  The people who were already killed, the people who the emperor and empress want dead and they know where they are, and the people who the emperor and empress want dead and they don't know where they are.  Getting this out to everyone can show how awful the emperor and empress really are."  Nya noticed the boys looking at her.  "If it's ok.  I would like to help you guys with this.  The people of Ninjago deserve to know the truth."

"I'm ok with it," Jay said which wasn't really a surprise for Lloyd and Cole.

Nya realized that she might have convinced Jay, but it would be harder to convince his friends.  "I really do want to help you guys.  Plus, it might be helpful having a friend who's family is so close to the emperor and empress.  I could spy for you guys."

"We can't ask you to do that," Jay said.  "That could put you in danger."

"I want to do it."

"I guess I'm cool with it," Lloyd said.  "It might not be so bad having you around."

Everyone looked to Cole.  "Fine," he said and looked to Nya.  "Welcome to the team."

Nya continued doing what she was previously doing.  "We need a name for our blog.  Obviously, we're keeping it anonymous, but we need a name that would grab people's attention."

"Well, we're exposing the truth," Lloyd said.  "How about 'The Truth Seekers'?"

"I like it," Cole said.

"Works for me," Jay said.

"'The Truth Seekers' it is," Nya said and put the name in the blog and posted it.

All four of them looked at each other before Jay spoke.  "There's no going back now.  We're the Truth Seekers."

A/N: The Truth Seekers have now formed!  I hope you enjoyed!

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