Chapter 9

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Kai and Nya were at the emperor and empress's annual Christmas Eve party.  They had to go every year.  They were currently with their parents when the emperor and empress walked up to them with their daughter, Harumi.

"Ray.  Maya.  We are so glad you're here," the empress said.

"We are glad to be here," Maya said.

The empress looked over to Kai and Nya.  "Oh my.  Look how big your kids are now."  Even though the Smith family comes every year, only Ray and Maya usually interact with the emperor and empress while Kai and Nya are off doing other things.

"It's a pleasure to see you again, emperor and empress," Nya said and did a curtsy.  Kai bowed and started eyeing her suspiciously.

"Looks like you both have raised fine children," the emperor said.

"Indeed we have," Ray said.

The emperor turned to his daughter.  "Harumi, why don't you go greet other party guests."

"Of course, father," Harumi said and left.

The emperor turned back to the Smith family.  "Ray.  Maya.  We have a matter we'd like to discuss with you."

Ray and Maya nodded and then turned to their kids.  "Kai.  Nya.  Enjoy yourselves," Maya said.  "We'll see you when the party is over."  The four adults left to go to a different part of the party.

Kai then turned to Nya.  "What are you up to?" Kai asked.

"What do you mean?" Nya asked her brother.

"You're acting all lady like.  You hate it when you have to be lady like."

"I can't have a change of heart."

"No, you can't.  You never have and you've been scolded a number of times by mom and dad for it."

"I can still decide to be better, Kai."  Kai watched Nya storm off.  He knew something was up with her and he was determined to find out what.

Nya walked in the direction that she saw her parents walk in with the emperor and empress.  She didn't know why the emperor and empress wanted to talk to her parents in private, but she was going to find out.  She saw them walking down a hallway and followed them.  Eventually, they stopped and Nya stayed back and make sure they couldn't see her but stayed within earshot.

"These Truth Seekers are trouble," Nya heard the emperor say.  "We've lost numerous supporters because of them."

"We could try to discredit them," she heard her father say.  "Put out fake records that show you didn't order anyone to be killed."

"We're way past that!  I want to find these Truth Seekers and make an example out of them!  No one will stand up to us once we execute them on live TV."  Nya silently gasped in horror.

"Are you sure killing them will make this better?" she heard her mother say.  "Ordering people to be killed is what got you into this mess in the first place.  It could make public opinion turn against you even more."

"We need to show the people that there are consequences for standing up to us and don't you two try to stop us!  You know our deal!"

"We've done everything you've asked and your big secret hasn't gotten out," Nya heard her father say.

"Big secret?" Nya whispered to herself.

"It better not or our deal is off," she heard the emperor say.

Nya left to go back to the party before she could be spotted.  She couldn't believe what she just heard her parents discussing with the emperor and empress.  They're in on everything that the emperor and empress have done and have some sort of deal so their big secret doesn't get out.  What secret could the emperor and empress have that they're so afraid of getting out?  She decided to just act normal for the rest of the party so her parents won't suspect anything.

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