Chapter 15

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Warning: Underage drinking

Five motorcycles went speeding down the streets of Ninjago City.  Nine teenagers had just barely managed to escape the palace.  Now, the royal guard and police were after them and they knew it.  They had all rebelled against the emperor and empress which was a crime punishable by death.  Sure, the reason this is currently happening is because three of them were about to be executed anyways, but now the other six had targets on their backs because they helped save them.

As they conitnued speeding down the streets of Ninjago City, people started cheering them on.  Everyone had seen what happened on live TV.  The emperor and empress wanted everyone to watch the execution live, but what people ended up watching was more of the start of a rebellion.  People in Ninjago City now respected what they were trying to do.  They didn't want to be under the rule of the emperor and empress anymore.  Not after they found out that the list of enemies that the emperor and empress wanted dead was true.

The teenagers kept going.  They were disguising their surprise from the reaction they were getting.  They didn't expect so many people cheering them on.  There were some people holding signs that said the same thing that Jay, Nya, Lloyd, and Cole had spray painted on the last mural they painted graffiti on: "We stand with the Truth Seekers."  They were surprised that people made those signs so quick.  All of a sudden, they were being considered heroes which none of them were expecting, but they still had to go somewhere to hide.  They couldn't figure out how to take down the emperor and empress if they got caught.

Lloyd was currently leading them to where they were going to hide out.  When Mystake had given him a piece of paper with the address to meet with Dareth, she also gave them another address with a note saying, "just in case."  His mother always did tell him that Mystake seemed to always know when you might need something.  At least, his mother told him that before she got arrested.

After looking for a while, they found the place they were looking for.  They had lost the crowd of people supporting them not too long ago which they were glad that they lost those people.  They didn't want people knowing exactly where they were going.  They parked the motorcycles in the back of the building and hopped off.  They took a good look at where they were.  The building was hidden away which was good.  It would be harder for anyone to find them.  They walked to the front of the building and opened the door.  It was unlocked.  They walked in and found what looked to be a bar and black market shop.

There was a man in there who looked up when he heard people walke in.  "What are you teenagers doing here?" the man asked.

"Mystake gave me your address in case we needed it," Lloyd said.

"Of course Mystake did.  She always finds a way to make people pay up when we owe her a favor."  He took a closer look at the teenagers.  "You're the Truth Seekers and I'm guessing you need a place ot hide out.  Come in.  Sit wherever you like."

The nine teenagers came further in and sat down in some of the booths that were in there because of the bar.

"Thank you..." Lloyd started when he went up to thank the man, but he realized that he didn't know the man's name.

"The name's Ronin," the man said.

"Thank you, Ronin."

"Of course.  I won't hear the end of it from Mystake if I didn't repay her favor."

Zane and PIXAL were sitting at one of the booths when Cole and Seliel joined them.

"So, are you two going to make it official yet?" Seliel asked Zane and PIXAL.

"What are you referring to?" PIXAL asked.

Seliel looked at PIXAL like she was an idiot.  "Your relationship.  I would ask Skylor about her and Kai, but I think there's still a part of Skylor that wants to rip Kai's head off for what he did before this."

"I think we could make it official," Zane said to PIXAL.

"I would like that," PIXAL said.

"Yay!" Seliel said excitedly.

"Are you and Cole going to make it official?" PIXAL asked with a smirk.

Both Cole and Seliel looked away blushing.  "We hardly know each other," Seliel said.

"But we could get to know each other," Cole said and Seliel turned to look at him.

"I think I'd like that."

In a different booth...

"So, what is this thing between the two of you?" Kai asked Jay and Nya.

Jay didn't know how to respond, so Nya did for him.  She wrapped her arms around him.  "We're in love," she said.

Jay looked at her.  They hadn't actually used the L-word with each other yet, even if it was totally true.  He guessed that they were using it now.  He smiled at the girl he was madly in love with.  "Yeah," he said.  "I love her."

"How cute?" Skylor said.

"Kai, what about you and Skylor?" Nya asked.

Kai opened his mouth to answer, but Skylor spoke first.  "He's still trying to earn my trust back."

Lloyd came over carrying drinks.  He already handed some to the other table and was now handing some to them.  The people at the other table came over and joined them.

"What kind of drinks did you get us, Lloyd?" Seliel asked.

"The good kind," Lloyd said.

Kai looked at the drink that Lloyd handed him and recognized what it was.  Jay, Nya, Lloyd, and Cole were beginning to drink it while the rest were hesitating.  "Nope," he said and started taking the drinks from everyone and dumped them in the garbage.  He even grabbed them from the four who were drinking it.

"What was that for?!" Cole asked.

"We're underage!  How did you even get it?!"

"I asked Ronin," Lloyd said.  "Part of this place is a bar and he's not really doing legal stuff anyway."

"Still no.  None of us should be drinking that."  Kai then looked to his sister.  "And why were you drinking it?"

Nya shrugged.  "It wasn't my first time."

"Well, it will be your last until you're 21."

Nya wanted to protest, but she knew that her brother wouldn't budge.

"You should all get some rest," Ronin said when he noticed the argument.  "You've had a pretty eventful day."

They all nodded and took Ronin's advice.  This was only the first battle.  The war had just begun.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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