ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕖𝕟

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*third person POV*

Newt was looking at the stars, listening to the wind rustling in the trees, wondering if she would think about him right now, meanwhile she looked out of the small window of her bedroom, looking to stars, wondering if he would think about her right now.
"But it was meant to be..." they both said to nearly the same time, watching at the stars one last time. Then they both looked up at the same sky. "It is meant to be." She started again. "But not in this lifetime." He finished.

I sat at my window with tears rolling down my cheek. My dad came in. "Wow You're awake." "I'm happy to meet you too Dad." I said ironically. He just gave me a fake smile. "How long did i sleep?" I asked to break the silence. "Five days." He answered. I didn't believe that it was actually that long. I said nothing, because I didn't want to talk to him. He got what he wanted, again.

"How did you knew where we are?" I asked suddenly. "Some of my mans found you. I told them to take you back." He said. I didn't answer to that. My chest hurt like hell and I still couldn't breath that well. I wanted to go back to the others and escape from this place once again. "I'm going now. I'll see you tomorrow." Dad stood up and wanted to leave the room. Suddenly I had an idea.
"Can you may call Dr. Steward again? I guess he needs to check out my wound again. It's still hurting and I think it's getting worse." "Yeah I'll tell him." He said and left.

"Can I come in?" Dr. Steward opened my door. "Yeah of course Dean, come in." I always called him with his first name. He came in and I hugged him tight. He is the person I trust the most in here. "Your Dad told me your wound is getting worse." He said after our hug. "No it's alright. But I needed to talk to you." I said. He looked at me confused. "About what?" "You need to help me to get out of here." I said seriously. He took a deep breath. "Good what's your plan?" I looked at him shocked. "I thought you would try to talk me out of it." "I know that I would do this without success." He answered. I smiled.
"So what's your plan now?"

We talked almost two hours about my plan and I was so happy that he was going to help me. Then he left and told me he would come tomorrow back and then our plan will start.

*Teresa POV*
Five days. Five days without Y/N. We kinda grew together. She was like a best friend to me. We were all so sad about her death, but we all tried to keep going and we still wanted to find the right arm. We all were kinda good in pretending nothing really bad happened, even though my heart still hurt. The one who  couldn't pretend was Newt. I was worried about him, we all were. He never spoke, ate less and never slept.
He built a grave for her. Of course her body wasn't inside but it meant a lot to him. He was standing in-front of it all the time.

I walked towards him. It was time that someone will talk to him.
"Hey" that wasn't the best beginning I know. He didn't answer, he just looked up to me and then down at her grave again.
"We all miss her. But she's living inside us and will watch us from heaven and keep us save." I said.
"If that is supposed to cheer, me up... it didn't work." He answered. I searched for new words.
"You were soulmates." I said and he nodded. "But universe knew how powerful you would have been so it took one of you." I guess that was wrong. "Yeah. Thanks... I guess." He mumbled and walked away.

*Newt POV *
After the talk with Teresa I was sadder than before. I spent the night at the bonfire with the others and the next morning I walked back to Y/N ' s grave. I lost her. I lost the love of my life, and I could never tell her. Maybe in another life I will be able to protect her.

I spend the whole day at her grave. I spent all my days here, cause I felt a bit closer to her. Tears rolled down my cheek. I usually don't cry but I can't hold them back. I stood in front of her grave with tears. "God I miss you so much y/n." I knew I was alone and I knew no one would hear me. That was until I heard someone talking...

*Y/N POV *
"We're here. The rest you have to walk." Dean said. I nodded and hugged him. "Thank you." I said in his ear. The I got out of his car. I looked one last time back to him, then I made my way back to Newt.
I walked like an half hour, then I saw him. My eyes got wet. He built a grave for me. He still thought I was dead.
He cried and that made me so sad, because I never saw him crying. "God I miss you so much y/n." He said. I miss you too I thought. But then I decided to say something else.
"You didn't think you could rid of me that easily, did you?" Then he turned around and he was shocked.

*Newt POV*
"You didn't think you could rid of me that easily, did you?" A voice said. I wiped my tears away and then I turned around and saw her. She wasn't dead, she was a live. And she was standing right in front of me, with her cute smile and her beautiful long hair.
I looked at her and I saw peace, a home, everything I ever wanted....

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