2 - Hiking in heels

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Something hit the chopper's tail. Everything started spinning. Smoke spiraling downwards.

Oh gawd, I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to fucking DIE!

I looked down into the sea of dark forest below and realized we were too high up to jump. We'll never survive the fall. Why was I so stupid? So careless. Why didn't I prepare for more than one escape route?

I was so confident that this night would go well without a hitch. Can you blame me? That mansion was supposed to be a fortress. I had made sure of that. I mean, I freakin design the security myself. How could this night go fucking absolutely fantastically wrong? And now, I'm going to die. Those bastards will finally get to kill me.

Overconfidence. That's what's wrong with you Capri. You've been careless because you think no one can beat you. Well, la di dah. Someone actually did and now you're going to die.

What's worse, you'll die and you won't even know who beat you. Who did it? You're going to fall to your death, get your body all mangled up from the fall then get eaten by maggots. Forgotten and unknown to the world. No funeral. No nothing.

I looked up at Lorenzo and sees him strapping a parachute to his back. Wait, what? Where did he get that from?

He unstrapped me, put my arms around him, and told me to hold on to him. Then, the fall.

Oh, gawd! I'm falling. What just happened? Did he? Did we? just jump out of that chopper? I can see us coming closer and faster to the ground. I immediately tightened my arms around his neck and straddled his midsection with my legs. My head was buried in his neck, eyes closed. I'm too scared to take a look.

Did we crash yet?

Am I dead?

I feel sick. I can't believe this is happening.

Why is this happening?

I'm not some daredevil, dammit. I'm the computer guy. I live behind the screens. On most days I don't even get out of the house.

The Morettis was supposed to make sure that I'll be able to continue being the one behind the screen. That's why I wanted to meet up. To team up. And now, Lorenzo Moretti will be the reason for my early death.

Well, you've lived a pretty good life, Capri. Better than most, I would say. No regrets, right?

Regrets. Do I have regrets?

I regret not getting that extra scoop of rocky road. I really really wanted them but Lauren was giving me the stink eye.

I regret not going on that crazy shopping spree when I made my first million. I always wanted to do it but considering I don't get out much. Extra clothing just doesn't make sense, you know.

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