5 - Anna

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A month ago.

The sexy blonde sitting across from me, sits quietly eating a piece of fruit. She is my traveling companion, a side piece that I've chosen to bring on this trip. Someone to warm my bed at night and arm candy when I needed it. It has only been two days, and I'm already feeling annoyed by her presence. 

I'm currently considering deserting her here before I proceed to my next destination. She is great in bed but it has gotten a bit too predictable. Too monotonous. You might think she could show some enthusiasm. I mean, it's not like she's fucking a fifty year old. I'm barely twenty and yet she acts like sex with me is a chore. 

Glancing at her, I see her slowly eating her scrambled eggs. I'm having pancakes, but my appetite wasn't there this morning. I glanced at the next table where three of my bodyguards sit, pretending to enjoy their morning coffee. In reality, they are on high alert for any unwanted guests. I never travel without one or two of them and sometimes, with a lot more. I know it's sometimes overkilled, but after what happened ten years ago, It's better to be safe than sorry.

I wished for this trip to be over. I just don't have the energy to care anymore. This past year had been straining and I needed a break but I knew my uncle would instantly disagree. In his eyes, I am not ready to take over, to be the boss. And as long as he deemed me unworthy, I cannot rest. I will just have to stick with it till the end.

I look around me. Half the dining hall was empty, no surprise there, it is the low season after all. The terrace area where I am was full though. I guess everyone wanted to have a view as they enjoy their morning breakfast.

The Cayman's sea view can be beautiful, I suppose. But I'm not here for vacation, I'm here for business.

I scanned the crowd lazily and my eyes landed on one table occupied by a lone figure. A woman in her twenties, blonde, petite frame. She's sitting alone with a plate of eggs and toast in front of her but her eyes are engaged on the small screen that is her smartphone.

She reminds me of someone, but who, I'm not entirely sure. My eyebrow creases, as I try hard to remember where I've seen her before.

My eyes widen as I put two and two together. I tried to gulp down my saliva but my throat feels suddenly tight. My hand trembles a little as I slowly and carefully lifted my phone and aimed the camera at her. I discreetly took some shots of her and immediately sent them to my uncle.

Could it be?

Is that really her?

After all these years, it seems too good to be true.


How are you here?

She took a bite of her eggs. Oblivious to my scrutiny. I am tempted to run over and embrace her but past experience has made me more cautious. More suspicious of things that are too good to be true. And right now, Anna, you sitting there, eating eggs like it's just another Tuesday is just unreal.

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