16 - F'ck Buddy

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His body feels so warm and comfy. I don't think I want to wake up, at least, not just yet. I can feel Lorenzo's heart beating in a steady rhythm, like a restful lullaby, so serene, calling me back to slumber. It's been a while since I feel so rested. I don't think I can wake up. I nuzzled up against him, not wanting this moment to end.  

My fingers dreamily drew slow circles on his hard muscled body, exploring every ridge and valley as I listened to the sound of him sleeping. I look up and place my chin on his chest. I don't think I've ever looked at him before. I mean, I've seen him, but I've never really seen him, properly, fully, thoroughly.

I gently trace his jawline with my fingers, feeling his sharp stubble from a few days of not shaving. He always shaves. Even in his file, I've never seen him sport any facial hair. My face scrunched, thinking that the last few days must have been a bit too hectic that he didn't have time for a shave. I wonder what had happened that made him busy.

I inhale, wanting to remember his scent. A hint of mint, and something else that I can't recognize. I should check out which cologne he uses because this smell is just heavenly. A scent so soothing, I want to cocoon myself in it and just be.

I jerk up, a little bit too fast that I probably pulled something. My eyes, wide in horror. What am I doing? Did I just, smell him? Fondle him? Did I just fuck Lorenzo Moretti and want to do it again?


This was supposed to be a quick fuck. So why am I lingering? Why is it so hard for me to get up and leave?

I slide my body out of his bed, trying to make my escape but a hand quickly snake around my waist and pulls me back.

I can feel his firm chest against my back. His face burrowed in my hair as he let out a tired groan and envelop my body with his, like a human cage.

"Where are you going?" His throaty breath asked me. Clearly, he is only half awake from his sleep.

I tried to get myself loose from his grip but his big veiny hands only seemed to hold me tighter.

"Lorenzo, I should go"

"Why?" he said almost in a whiny voice as he planted lazy soft kisses along my neck. God, that feels nice. Why must his touch feel so good? I shouldn't like this. I shouldn't like him touching me like this.

I turn and face his beautiful face. Why is his face so gorgeous all of a sudden? I mean, yeah, he's pretty good looking but why is it that his face looks exceptionally good this morning? Why is his stupid sleepy face making me want to stay? I should get out, but I don't want to.

I shouldn't have turned around. Now, I can't stop staring into his deep brown orbs. It's like I've lost control over my body. Nothing seems to move. His eyes have immobilized all of me.

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