Chapter 24

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*a few days later*

I walk down the steps and look over at Laura and laugh. She's got a piece of popcorn on her nose balancing it. She seems startled by my laugh and loses her balance, dropping the popcorn on the couch. "Fuck! Jen, you messed me up!" She yells, turning to look at me. I grab my shoes from the floor and sit on the couch to put them on. I get up and walk towards the door. "Are you sure this isn't too much? I can stay and we can hang out. I feel bad for leaving you." I pause near the door. I'm wearing athletic pants and a loose pink tank top. "Are you kidding? It's my last day here and I wanna give my best friend a very much deserved day out! You have to leave it's the rules. Besides, you'll be back in a few hours and we can hang out then." She eats some more popcorn. She's sitting with Collin on one side and Ali on the other both in their bouncy chairs. "Alright, fine, I'll leave. But don't complain to me when you miss your best friend all day!" I take one last look at her. I hear her laugh as I shut the door and I instantly laugh too.

I get in the car and drive to the gym, so far unfollowed by the paparazzi. I park, get out, and run up to the door. I can see people inside through the glass doors. I walk in and hear a camera flash behind me, great they've spotted me. I look around and study the familiar room, nothing looks any different than last time I was here. I climb onto my favorite treadmill, the one closest to the wall, and turn it on.

I walk for a while and suddenly feel the urge to turn around. I don't know why, but I feel like I'm being watched. Maybe I'm just paranoid from the lack of paparazzi around lately. I turn my head and see a guy. He's about 6ft tall. I can't really tell because he's sitting down. He has blue eyes, and short, dirty blonde hair. He's definitely older than me, maybe 30-ish, but handsome, and staring right at me. I immediately turn back around, my cheeks flushed. I continue walking until I feel like I'm done. I get off and grab a towel from the rack next to me, I dry my chest and neck off. I'm sweaty from running. I put the towel back and turn around, only to see the same guy I saw earlier standing in front of me. I jump a little, surprised. "I'm sorry I scared you. I just wanted to introduce myself." I relax and he continues. "My names Chris and yours is?" He asks. "Oh, um, I'm Jennifer." I say, awkwardly. I'm not sure what it is about him that seems so familiar, it's like relaxing maybe? Something he said or did? I feel more at ease. "Hi jennifer, are you new here? Because I've been going here for months and I'm sure I've never seen you." That's what it is. He's British. "I uh, I'm not exactly new. I just haven't been here in awhile because I was pregnant and since I had twins I can't leave the house much." He looks surprised by my answer. "Really? I never would've guessed that." He mumbles, his eyes trailing down my body. I instantly blush. "I'd love to see you again. Would you like to get coffee sometime?" He distracts my attention. "I would love to but I can't. My kids." I practically melt when I hear how he says love. "Bring them." He smiles at me. "O-Okay." I stutter. Before I can object, he grabs one of the business cards from off the counter and a pen and writes on it, then he hands it to me. I recognize it as his number. "Just call me whenever you feel like it." He walks towards the door. I watch him walk out and I feel myself break out in a sweat, this time for a completely different reason.

I put the business card in my purse with my phone and walk over to the weights. Maybe lifting weights will help clear my mind.

I arrive home and find Laura playing with Ali on the floor. "Did you have fun?" I set my purse down. "Yeah, what about you?" She smiles at Ali. I take my phone and his phone number out of my purse and sit down on the couch. "Yeah, I guess. It was just the gym." I tell her. I look down at the number in my hands and frown. "What's that?" She takes it from me. "Someone at the gym gave me their number." I try to sound casual. "Someone?" She raises her eyebrows. "A guy." I then begin to tell her the whole story.  

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