Nervous Blu

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Blu. Her name was Sky Blu, but I called her Blu because she was my Blu, that name was off limits to everyone, but me. The girl who took my stone cold heart and broke it. She was everything anyone could have imagined, everyone loved her. She was the definition of perfect, but she never let it go to her head. Everyone was treated fairly in her eyes. Her beautiful eyes, they were actually a grey, a solemn grey that caught your attention at the blink of her eye, literally.

She knew who she truly was. She knew everyone flocked to her for who she was, but it never bothered her. Even when guys hit on her, she'd reply back with a witty saying. They'd cackle and she'd wink as she walked away. She hung out with all of the guys, but just as friends. They thought more of it, but she knew they were only friends.

I watched her from afar, not like a stalker, but just to admire her. I was no sweetheart nothing like her more like a heart breaker. Her smile would draw a flock of girls to laugh along with her. As her hair flowed softly down her back it was curled slightly at the ends and blew in the wind. She drank, but it was rare only for celebration. If she got really drunk, she was funny as hell and couldn't hold her liquor to save her life. She partied harder than anyone I had ever seen, but she held her self and wasn't slutty as she danced trying to catch a guys eye like most of the girls I hooked up with. She loved Drake's music as much as I grew to love her. I could tell in her face how much she related to him. Even with all this said, I didn't even know her as well as I thought. She was extraordinary.

She was Blu, and she later became my Blu no one else's. This is our story.

July 9

I was Matthew Summers, the Australian kid from town who's mum was a drunk and I had a former rock star, deadbeat, broke dad who cheated on her any second he got. Wasted all his fortune on drinks and women. Some fucking father. Dad of the Year, right? I'm the kid who didn't date ever, the original heart breaker. Virginity stealer, McDreamy, Bastard, Dick, Asshole. I could go on, but I had too many names to continue. Dark, full wispy hair, tattoos and a wardrobe consisting strictly of black t-shirts with black jeans. I was the talk of the town. All I heard when I walked by was "that ol' Matthew boy's just like his daddy don't let him near your girls." I'd flick them off as I heard them and keep walking. They'd scowl, but it didn't bother me. I knew I was nothing like my dad. I moved out at 16 and started working at my uncle's car wash just to prove it to myself. He'd been letting me sleep in his cabin a few miles from his house ever since then.

Blu, she noticed me for some unknown reason. She pursued me, but I couldn't grasp it. She'd wave and smile and I'd just stare at her as she turned back around and talked to her friends. One day we were all at the hot teen hangout spot, Rudy's. She was hanging with the jocks as I sat there with my cousin. That's where it all began.

She glanced at me, but I let it go as though she was just looking around. My cousin hit me upside the head.

"What?" I said and I scowled at him, ready to beat his scrawny ass. He pointed at Blu. "She's hot and checking you out, and you just sat there and ignored it." He said as I laughed slightly. "She's not checking me out, have you forgotten who I am." I said as I glanced at her. She was staring me down and the jocks glared right behind her. I turned back to my cousin who looked extremely frantic.

"12 o'clock. She's coming over here." He said as he sat up straighter and puffed out his chest. I laughed at him as she cleared her throat to signal my attention I turned and she smiled at me. "I'm Sky Blu, but my friends call me Sky." She said sticking out her hand for me to shake. "I know who you are, but I don't want to get you in any trouble, pretty girl. Your friends over there are giving me some mean looks. I'm almost scared." I said with lots of sarcasm as she giggled at me.

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