Super Blu

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"No way." I said to Matthew as we stood outside Rudy's. On the door a sign read, closing on June 30th. It was so vacant, barely anyone was seated, but my heart crushed. I'd grown up here, Rudy's was the hometown hangout spot, where I had said my first words to Matthew,

"What?" He replied nonchalantly before his eyes landed on the sign. He just sighed and I turned around.

"I wanted to bring my kids here when they grew up, but that'll never happen." I said and Matthew pulled me into his chest in a warm embrace. "Kids?" He questioned and I shook my head.

"Yes, I see kids in my future with you." I said and he just chuckled. At least he didn't fight me on it.

"You're the most influential person I know, I'm sure your pretty little brain can come up with an idea on how to save it." He said as we were seated. "I doubt it."

"Well, at least don't get in your feelings over greasy food and mediocre ice cream. They deserve to close. Best decision this town has made. No one even comes here anymore." He retorted as I sat there sulking. He was really starting to piss me off.

"Hey! Chill the hell out. And the food is great here. Stop talking crap. I'm going to save this restaurant if its the last thing I do." I said to him in an angry tone. He smiled at me.

"Reverse psychology, but that's my girl." He said back and I cracked a small grin. "Mhm."


We were back at my place laughing in the kitchen over random things, like memes. I was surprised to see Matthew found any of it funny.

"I wonder if our kids will be funny enough to make viral memes." I said and Matthew turned to face me. "And we're back to kids." He replied and I sighed. "I was speaking in general, but if you want to go there...fine." I said.

"No I don't want to go there, because of course you know I don't want them, but I can't predict the future." He said and I shook my head in agreeance.

"Look at you growing up." I said to him, but he didn't find it quite as funny as I did.

"I'm kidding, one day, Matthew Summers, you're going to make a wonderful father if you do decide you in fact want kids." I said to him kissing his lips. My fingers became in tangled in his hair.

"On the kitchen counter, damn Blu." He said indicating that I was trying to sleep with him right here and now. "Oh hush." I said back going beet red making him laugh as he grabbed my face and kissed me once more.


I sat in the front row of the city council meeting beside Rudy, the owner who had given me countless free scoops of ice cream over my 19 years of life. Poor old man, his hand was shaking profusely. I grabbed it to calm him and he smiled at me.

"You know, you're a wonderful girl to help me out. I'm glad someone loves Rudy's enough to want to see it in the future." He spoke and I just smiled.

"Don't worry. I'm going to do everything in my power to be able to keep your legacy alive and be able to indulge in your curly fries 20 years down the road." I said and he chuckled as the judge sat down and pounded his gavel, signaling everyone to shut the hell up.

"First matter, is the diner Rudy's being torn down for a skyscraper company to build on it's land. Sky Blu Waters is here to speak on their behalf." The judge read and everyone's eyes landed on me. I smoothed out my pencil skirt. Matthew nodded me along as I walked to stand in the middle of the courthouse.

"I'm Sky Blu Waters, I'm here to speak of Rudy's as the judge just said." I said and everyone stared at me blankly. Blu you didn't take Acting 101 for 6 years to not be able to jerk hearts and make these people believe in Rudy's I told myself. I sighed and began to speak.

"Raise your hand if you don't think you could survive if your favorite restaurant died off." I asked and literally everyone including the judge lifted their hand.

"Well, imagine going to a place since you were young and try to remember every memory you made and then pretend a skyscraper crushed all of it. Your whole childhood gone, for a metal, shiny, tall building. Pathetic, right? That such a small town could get rid of it's longest standing franchise for a tall building. Everyone in this room has gone to Rudy's and you can't tell me you didn't get stellar service and that you didn't feel welcome, because that place was home for some people. And to take that away would just be simply cruel and I'm here today to say I'm one of those people who found a home in Rudy's. It holds a special place in my heart for many reasons, and I beg of you to let me tell my kids about it and let them go and have the same experience I did in the wonderful place called Rudy's a living cafe legend." I spoke and everyone erupted in cheers. I saw some people I'd hang with in high school clapping and I felt accomplished.

The judge had to bang his gavel several times to unrowdy the crowd. "Jury, have you come to a conclusion?" He asked and they all shook their heads as one person stood. "We believe that Rudy's is a big part of history in this town and deserves to stay for a while." A man said. Everyone erupted in cheers as Rudy himself hugged me.

"I owe you." He said winking at me. "No, you don't. We did this together. You should head back, I have a feeling business is about to start booming and you have a sign on the door that needs removing, because you're keeping the diner." I said back hugging him again. Matthew smiled at me as Rudy started to walk out.

"My girl is officially a smooth talker." He said linking an arm around my shoulder. "I learned from the best."


And the diner legend lives on for someone else to enjoy...

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-L xo

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