Helpful Blu

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I was awoken by a blaring alarm and I swear I could've killed whoever set it for me.

I smacked it off as I heard people shuffling through my room antsy to get to work, unlike me. I threw off the covers as Jenny entered my room. Her bright smile almost made me puke, who's this happy at this time in the morning.

"Oh, your beauty team is here! You don't have to get dressed they'll do that for you. You have a meeting with the other VS Angels at 12:30." She rambled on and I shook my head, letting her know I understand.

I walked out and was pulled down into a chair. Brushes, concealer, highlighters, bronzes all types of things were smacked along my face.

They spun me around and threw me into the chair for hair. I heard them bustling around to find me an outfit off one of their racks.

"Do you care if we cut off your hair?" The lady asked and I grabbed my ponytail. "Yes, very much. Come up with something else, please." I told her and she instantly got back to work lying her scissors aside.

Jenny came back to lead me to the bathroom. "You are very famous, Sky you already have paparazzi outside." She commented blocking me from them through the windows.

My wardrobe team was much more gentle, but couldn't find anything for me to wear. One specific dress caught my eye.

It was a strapless, knee length, black dress coated with lace. A cardigan accompanied it, but I could do without it. I grabbed it off the rack.

"Hello!" I yelled stopping the little buzzing bees. "I'm sure this will be perfect." I said and they all gushed. I laughed. Way to go, team. By team I mean me.

"Yes, this is perfect! How did we miss this?" They all gawked as they helped me get dressed. I slipped on my heels and grabbed my clutch.

"Sky, they are ready for you. You look absolutely beautiful." Jenny gushed smiling at me.

"Thanks." I replied and hopped in the limo guarded by at least 3 bodyguards.

The drive was smooth. We pulled up and I swear the paparazzi just walked to meet us here. I'm used to it though.

I jumped out waving at them and went inside the building. No more flashes and this might just be a great lunch.

I walked in and I was welcomed by a few new faces, but also Angels I've been watching for years. They were all friendly and welcoming.

The lunch was spectacular to have been all green. They even gave us dessert, of course healthy.

When it was all over, I went back to my hotel room all of the clutter and chaos from this morning was gone. My room was spotless like I like it.

I cut on Gossip Girl and fell on my bed while trying to finish Season 4. I got a phone call.

"Hey Nate!" I spoke through the speaker.

"Hey Sky, do you think you could come a little earlier today?" He asked and I obliged, cutting my show off and running to change into my workout clothes.

I pulled up and he was waiting outside. I waved at him, catching a glimpse of a phone in his hand. I walked into the gym. It was much more packed than yesterday. I heard catcalls from my left to my right. I smiled, used to the attention. I sat down my things and waited patiently on Nate.

"Hey Sky! You ready?" He asked as I was sitting in a trance. He laughed at the fact he had startled me. "Yeah," I said and we started with 100 arm reps.

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