Trusting Blu

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He gently placed me on his makeshift mattress, surprisingly it was comfortable. I told him I just wanted to lay with him. He didn't pressure me into explaining my uncalled for appearance which instantly calmed me. I want to tell him, I need too.

I sighed deeply as he engulfed me in his warm embrace. I felt safe, happy and most of all loved. A tear slowly cascaded down my cheek as I started to speak.

"I'm sorry, Matthew. I'm sorry for showing up with no way to explain myself. I'm sorry for making you care. I know you never do this. I'm sorry that I lied about who I am." I said as he turned me to where we were facing each other. He slowly kissed every tear on my face. I sighed again as the truth pushed it's way out of me.

"I'm Sky-Blu, the girl with a double-life that no one knows about except you now and my so called family. They moved me here when I was five years old and they became best friends with every person they met. I got along with their friends kids whether it was genuine or just to make my parents proud. When I turned fourteen they realized I had the voice of an angel. They said it would be our secret. I signed lots of contracts that my parents said were all good for me. I wanted to make them proud so I obliged and became Katie Sparks, international popstar. They said living here was the perfect disguise and that everyone already wanted to be my friend and or boyfriend, so I was already pretty home-town famous as Sky-Blu. Katie Sparks just brought in the money. I'd tour only during summer, so I don't miss school and I can live my teenage life normally. This summer I'm taking a break and I've only been performing on talk-shows and award shows. I'm not who you think I am. If I were you I would jump on the next plane out of here. My parents said some pretty rude things tonight. I don't want them coming after you, well at least not to your face. If they ever find out I told you. They'd kill me. I've realized that I'm tired of making them proud. I want to be only one person not two." I said as I watched him grow a look of curiousness and then his eyes softened as his lips lightly touched mine. His hand caressed my cheek, he moved his thumb wiping away my tears.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and lightly kissed him back, combining our tongues. I pulled away as I looked in his eyes searching for an answer.

"I don't care whether you're two people or ten. I want you Blu, you drive me insane. I can't believe I'm saying any of this shit right now though. No girl has made me feel the way you do in such a short amount of time. I don't care about your parents, or your money. I just want you." He said as a tear of joy slid down my face. I smiled widely and hungrily attacked him. He grabbed my waist as I got on top of him. He pulled away and chuckled.

"So, I have just one question?" He said as I fell back beside him. "Ask away." I said as he looked at the ceiling. "Do you think you could get Miley Cyrus to bring me as her date to the Grammy's?" He said with a smirk as I smacked his chest whilst smiling.

"So not cool!" I said as he erupted in a deep laugh. He sat up still holding me upright on his lap.

"Secret for secret?" He said pushing my hair behind my ear and looking me deep in the eye.

"I like you." He said as I blushed. "Say it again." I said as he smirked. "Sky-Blu, I like you." He said as he gently kissed my nose.

"Guess what?" I said as the wind from the cracked window lightly blew our hair. "I like you more." I said as he hugged me tightly. I knew in that moment that his words were true.


I went home the next morning, completely ignoring my parents existence. I threw myself on my bed and sighed like any girl would if she spent the night with a guy who gave her butterflies with one look, kiss or touch.

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