Bad Blu

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I was finally back home which was a relief. I fell dramatically on my bed, dropping my bags in the corner. I sighed deeply taking in the fresh vanilla scented air. My contract had come through the mail, and since I'm 18 I can now legally sign it without parent permission.

I heard my phone ding with multiple alerts popping up. It was all about Nate. He had been taken into custody. Jim had also called me.

"Hello Sky-Blu, are you alright? I heard about your ex-trainer. I can't apologize enough." He said sounding remorseful. I felt bad because it was truly not Jim's fault.

"It's fine. I'm okay, I never knew he was like that." I said telling a hard lie. Jim sighed.

"I hope you sign that contract that's in your house. I would love to see you back here with us. A new trainer and all." He spoke over the phone making me chuckle.

"I'll consider it." I replied sweetly. I hung up and to my surprise Matthew stood in front of my bedroom doorframe.

"Playing hard to get, huh? That's my girl." He said with a little smirk.

"I mean it's risky business." I shot back smiling whilst biting my tongue.

"Your mom still isn't back." He said changing the subject and lying on the bed beside me. I sighed heavily.

"No, but I'm not even worried. She'll show up. I guess she's just acting out like a teenager." I said and he laughed.

"She's almost 50, Blu. This could be serious. Call her." He suggested and I groaned harshly at him.

"Why do you always have to give your input on my family life? I never ask about your father or your mother. I never pressure you about your past at least I try not to, but all you do is constantly nag me about my life. You hate my parents almost as much as I do, yet you still surprise me at how much you never want me to lose contact with them. No matter how much they judged you. You forgave them in your own way." I said shocked at all the words flying from my mouth. His happy expression was gone. It was the Matthew I met months ago. The one who didn't open up from time to time. The heartless, cold Matthew Summers.

"It's different. We are different. We come from two different places. I worked for mine. My parents don't give a damn about me. Your's do in their own fucking way. At least your mother does." He spoke eyeing my ceiling instead of me.

"It's not different, Matthew. Are you trying to say I've been handed my whole life? You just don't tell me anything about yourself. I'm not going to judge you. Why won't you tell me anything? Do you not trust me with your past? What's up with your mother? Why can't I meet your friends?" I asked softly.

"If you wanted my whole life story. You could've simply spoken up earlier. Seems like you've been holding this in. Everything's not easy to just come out and say, Blu."  He said emotionless grabbing his jacket and walking away.

"Matthew! Come back." I called after him. I knew he wouldn't turn around though. He's just not that type of guy.

"If you love me you'll come back." I yelled down the long hallway at his back walking away from me.

"Don't even Blu." He said gritting his teeth, as he turned to face me. I felt sick to my stomach, but I held the tears down until I heard my front door slam.


I jumped in my car and drove as far as possible. I came up outside my mother's house with red knuckles from griping my steering wheel. Her porch lights were still on. I knocked on the door uneasy and feeling slightly dizzy. She opened it up looking a mess like the last time I found her slipping into her old habits.

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