Anxious Blu

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"You're lying to me Matthew, you did not steal his bullets right under his nose." I said laughing at the thought. We stayed up all night telling each other our "shit awful" encounters with my ass of a father.

"I'm being as honest as it gets. His eyes were like rolling and he stepped out for two seconds to grab more whiskey. I could smell the gun, weird I know." He said as I looked him in his eyes.

"It's not weird at all, it's extraordinary." I said as I smirked. "Extraordinary, huh?" He said as I fell back upon his chest. "Oh, and don't think I forgot about the Dictionary of Blu!" He said as I giggled lightly.

"Shut up, okay. I know it's crazy, but I'm pretty inventful. I even came up with a word for the way we look in each other's eyes." I stated as he did just that.

"Let me hear it." He said as I blushed and traced his abs through his shirt lightly. "Specular!" I replied as he quirked his eyebrows. I smiled. "It's a mouth full, I know." I said as I patted his stomach lightly.

"It's kind of adorable." He spoke as I blushed for the twentieth time in like five minutes. "See what you do to me?" I said as I yawned slightly. He pulled me up to where we were face to face.

"You should see what you do to me." I laughed and kissed him softly. Our mouths moved in a rhythm, one I could get used to and love every second of every day.

I pushed him off slightly. He didn't fight it. He knows I'm not like that. I've had a few very heated make out sessions, but Matthew is different. I know very little about him to be honest. I just know we connect.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked as he chuckled lightly. "Red, why?" He asked back as I shrugged. "I just don't know all the little things about you that I want to know." I said softly as he sighed deeply and ran his hand through his hair.

"Well here's something, I'm a fine, might I add sexy 19 year old who loves cars, and likes the color red. My parents didn't put me in school on time that's why I'm a 19 year old senior. Oh, my parents aren't very prominent in my life. I'm working on my mom, but my father is out. I watch criminal shows, they interest me. I was born in Australia, that's where my accent comes from. I never get scared while watching scary movies. They are all theories of our society in either a earlier life or later filled with made up creatures which is less scary, more unintelligent. I stopped drinking when I was 17 even though beer stays in the corner of my living room. Happy?" He said as we just sat in silence listening to the steady beats of our hearts.

He cares, that's what I love about him. He's guarded, but not so much to where he can't open up sometimes. He doesn't drink, that's something I would have never known. I know it's very stereotypical of me. He's very smart, he gives off this "I don't care" persona but honestly if he applied himself I know he'd do great things.

"Nope, I can't be. Nothing is happy about life here...around me. I just want to get away with you and honestly never come back." I said as we waited a little while. He didn't speak just breathed lightly.

"The stars are lighting up tonight, they shine so bright. The way your eyes twinkled always reminded me of the night stars. Oh, how they shined so bright. When I fill like things get rough, the stars above keep me going, or maybe it's the thought of you." I sang softly. I felt his tense muscles relax and I knew he was sleep. His faint snore was literally the cutest thing. I looked up at him to see his jawline defining which made my heart skip multiple beats.

"Good night, Matthew Summers." I said as my eyes slowly twinkled closed and I was fast asleep to the sounds around me.


I awoke to that same stunning face and I instantly needed a cold shower. I softly rolled away from Blu & jumped up and grabbed a fresh white t-shirt and black jeans. I kissed her cheek as I crept to the bathroom. Damn, you're going soft. I've never let a girl sleep over and not fuck her.

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