Funeral Blu

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Today Matthew wore what I had laid out for him without question. His nice plain suit. He didn't talk much at all this morning as he got dressed.

I kept my distance as I slipped on my sleek, black dress. I braided my hair into a French braid and lightly did my makeup. I had a soft look.

Matthew was ready to go 10 minutes after I had called him for the 5th time.

"We are going to be late! Hurry it up a little, okay?!" I yelled at the bottom of the staircase. He came down looking gloomy. He opened the front door for me. I had one foot over the doorframe and his hand caught my arm, pulling me to him.

I wrapped my arms right around his body and held him like a delicate, precious human being. He backed off and I proceeded outside. I didn't comment on the hug, because he might get all worked up over the fact he isn't a "genuine person", but I know he is. It'll grow on him. The limo was waiting to take us to the church. They prayed with us before we left and I watched Matthew closely. He looked confused as hell. I'm sure he doesn't even know the Lord.

When we arrived, I, of course received weird looks. Matthew came around to my side of the car. He held out his hand for me to grab and steady myself. I know he's the guy who doesn't date, so seeing me on his arm is a shock to everyone who knows him.

I took ahold of it and he led me into the inside. His name was the first one printed on a seat. He meant so much to Rose. I can't imagine what he's feeling.

As we walked up towards the front I heard a girl whisper to her friend.

"S, has a girlfriend?" She asked snarlingly. Her friend replied quick.

"Yeah, a ugly one. She was in the VS show with the fugly newcomers. He could do so much better." She said and I gasped. 

Matthew took matters into his own hands. I didn't even know he could hear them. He turned to them and they looked him dead in the eye, scared to death.

"Keep anything you have to say about my girl out your ugly mouth. She's fucking beautiful." He said back with so much emotion in his voice. I almost cried. I kept my hand on his chest to make sure he didn't step any closer to the two girls.

"Thanks babe. " I whispered in his ear, lightly kissing his cheek. He nodded going back to his solemn self.

We took our seats and everyone filed in. Rose knew a lot of people. There wasn't one person in the crowd that wasn't crying over her. People stood in the back, because there were no more seats. That's respect.

The ceremony was going along lovely. Until, they called my name for a selection. I turned to Matthew and he just pushed me with his eyes. I grabbed the mic and belted out Amazing Grace. The two girls in the crowd looked amazed by the end. I didn't want to make things about me, so I quickly took a seat.

Matthew took that time to kiss me.

"You did so good, baby." He said to me.

We sat back and listened to two of her friends giving speeches about her. They were hilarious. Rose was the life of the party it seemed.

"Next we will have Scotty Summers
up to give the final word." The emcee said and Matthew stood up shakingly. He turned to me and I pushed him with my eyes like he had done me and blew him a kiss.

Matthew's POV

I cleared my throat & ruffled the mic, making the crowd laugh. I groaned on the inside. Bad move.

"Uhm, I'm Scotty, Roses grandson. She was the best role model I ever had growing up. She always had my best interest at heart. Uhm, as many of you know. I'm Scotty. The bad kid you used to see around town. Your parents probably told you to stay away from me. Well, I come to clear my name. I didn't do it. None of you will believe that, but I didn't. I have a heart and my wonderful, amazingly smoking hot girlfriend has taught me so much about forgiving and loving. Y'all watch out for her. She's got pipes and she bad. She'll take your man, but I'll beat your ass if you look at her the wrong way." He said turning to look at me, chuckling. He's adorable. I went red in the face. Only my boyfriend would cuss at a funeral.

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