Part 9 :

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Dayvon Bennett🦅
Atlanta Georgia📍
September 10, 2019

It had been two weeks since Court________________________

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It had been two weeks since Court

"Damn bae you cool" I asked Ari , she was throwing up bad as hell these last few days.

"I don't know what's wrong with me , I don't have a fever or anything I feel fine I just keep throwing up everything I eat" she said shrugging her shoulders.

"You think you might be pregnant?" I asked her and she started laughing.

"Boy you know how many times I den tried for a baby I can't get pregnant" she said shaking her head.

"Ok then, when the last time you had your period? because Ian seen no pads in the garbage in a minute" she looked at me shocked.

"Hold the fuck up" she went to the calendar on her phone. She looked back up at Von.

"I didn't bleed none this month and my day been passed" she said. I turned my head to the side looking at her ass like duh bitch.

"Bae can you go buy me a test please" she said sounding like she was about to cry.

"Ite ima call you when I get there, and don't start crying bro or stressing until we find out" i said walking off.

Ari Fletcher 💕
Atlanta Georgia 📍
September 10,2019

I was strolling on Instagram, and my phone started ringing it was Jayda

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I was strolling on Instagram, and my phone started ringing it was Jayda.

"Hey bitch" she said answering the phone. "Hey baby" I said with a long sigh.

"What's wrong?" She asked me.

"I might be pregnant I don't know yet" Jayda eyes opened buck wide.

"Well speaking of pregnancy, that's what I'm calling to tell you I'm 4 1/2 months pregnant" she said biting her lip. I started smiling

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