Part 20

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I went home on von ass. I just needed time to think I feel like him being home made him forget  about how much he loved me. We got here and he just started moving funny. It's  a part of me that thinks i'm overreacting, but I just don't wanna end up hurt again.

My plane had landed and i'm pretty sure  von still on the plane. I was going to try to stop by the house and get clothes to stay at the hotel for a few weeks , I had a maternity photo shoot coming up so I got my outfits for that to. I hate I had to do this but I just need to do some self reflecting.

I opened the door seeing von mom on the couch with Caresha, and summer. I just looked at them and ran upstairs without even saying a word.  I started to grab everything I can. Before I left I just explained to vons mom about his strange behavior and how I just needed to get away.

My driver was outside waiting for me and he loaded everything in the car. I looked back and seen vons driver pulling in and I ordered the driver to hurry and leave the driveway.

I pulled up to the house and I see Caresha leave out the drive way with her driver, thank god this hoe was gone on king dave ian have time for her shit right now, i'm tryna make sure Ari good

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I pulled up to the house and I see Caresha leave out the drive way with her driver, thank god this hoe was gone on king dave ian have time for her shit right now, i'm tryna make sure Ari good. I walk through the door and I see caresha on my couch and my mama head down.

"Caresha I thought that was you just left out my drive way?" I said pointing towards the door.

"No that was your little pregnant girlfriend making a get away" she said with a low chuckle

"Don't be disrespectful lil whore" my mama said to Caresha

Ian even have time, I ran up stairs to see clothes everywhere, majority of Ari stuff was gone. I flopped down on my bed and ran my hand across my face, I could not believe this shit. I couldn't wrap my head around why she up and left without saying anything and she carrying my child. I thought we had our communication skills on lock but I guess not.


I felt so guilty for leaving, especially without saying nothing to von

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I felt so guilty for leaving, especially without saying nothing to von. I got a lot going on in my head so many toxic thoughts, that I don't wanna push off on my relationship and make it any worse. I'm gone go clear my head for awhile.

I made it to my airbnb, my driver helped me carry my bags inside, I had went and did a little grocery shopping for some food and of course stuff I was craving. I was gon text von and let him know I was safe and sound so he wouldn't worry so much, cause I know he somewhere about to rip his head off.  I took a nice hot bath and made me some pasta with shrimp.

I texted von eventually and told him I safe and sound but he wasn't tryna hear it he wanted to know where I was, poor child so damn clingy.

I was bored and I missed summer and von, but I need to get myself together in order for us to be a family so much has happened in such a short period of time. I got pregnant sooner than I thought , beat up my ex, abuse situation with Caresha, and seeing my mom after all these years it was just a lot. 

It was 2:30 am and I was woken to banging on my door. I was shaken by it cause who the hell was knocking so hard this is a closed neighborhood. I got up and grabbed my gun , i had a license for it. I walked to door and slung it open pointing my gun.

"Damn Ma slow down its me"

"Von what the hell why was you banging on my door like that, they gon call the police get in here" I said snatching him inside.

"Why the hell are you here von?" I said seriously

"You know I cant sleep without you, yo side of the bed just cold and empty, I tried snuggling with the pillows but that shit not working Ari"

"The way you was acting in Chicago not sitting right with me,  im not feeling you right now that shit got me thinking" I said to von

"There's nothing for you to think about Arianna"

"oh so how the fuck I ended up blocked? Why your location was off? What you had to go catch up with some hoes from back in the day?" I said staring von dead in his face.

"Look I didn't know how you ended up blocked at first, I was passed the fuck out in the studio, dthang rolled the cameras back for me and seen one of his lil hoes grab my phone while it was unlocked and I guess it was her. I missed home just as much as you did Arianna I just wanted to hang with my boys they already feel like Durk forgot about them Ion want my shorty's feeling like that."

Apart of me wanted me to believe him, but my guard was up. Every time I believed herb whole time he was lying so I don't know.  I can't make Herb problems Vons it's just not right.

"Whatever you say i'm done being mad about it but i'm still not coming home, I paid for this air bnb for a whole week so that's how long ima be here." I said to von.

"What about summer she wanna see you?" Von asked

"Her daddy got more than one car he can bring her" I said sarcastically.

"Can I at least stay the night here with you then?" Von said doing puppy dog eyes.

"Fine come on cry baby ass" I said rolling my eyes this man to damn spoiled.

1 week later

Kyle's Sister

Today was the day I go back home

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Today was the day I go back home . Von had brought summer too see me one time since I been here , I miss her so much. I didn't have time to miss Von cause he been sleeping here every night clingy ass.

My maternity shoot was today, It was only for me Von didn't wanna be in them and I wasn't forcing him too. After my shoot I was going to come back to the air bnb and get my stuff to go home. Von was going to come get me but Caresha at the house and he have to monitor her visit.

Later that day....

I was all done with my shoot and was headed home. I had fun , I wish Von wouldn't act so stuck up all the time we could've did together.

I arrived at home , I wiped my makeup off and took a shower and packed my stuff. I said I needed a break but it was boring here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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