Part 16

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Dayvon Bennett🦅

Today I was taking Ari to go find her momma in Chi-Raq our hometown

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Today I was taking Ari to go find her momma in Chi-Raq our hometown . She was scared as hell, but she kept tryna play it off.

"Damn bae" I said as Ari pushed me with her stomach. She was still five months pregnant and tryna squeeze past me in the bathroom.

"You tryna say I'm fat huh?"Ari said sounding like she was finna cry.

"No bae, you not fat damn that's just a kid stop that, soon you have him you gon snap back" I said kissing her on her forehead.

I started walking out the bathroom and I turned around seeing Ari head face down at the bathroom mirror. I just stared at her then I seen a tear fall down her face.

"Bae what's wrong why you so down?" I said furrowing my eyebrows.

"I don't know maybe it's my pregnancy hormones" she said wiping her face.

I knew she was lying it was deeper than that she missed her mama and I understand her cause I miss my pa. I held her chin in my hand. "You gon be alright I promise that rather she there or not".

I walked off to do a rain check to see if I was forgetting anything . We packed a week worth of stuff just in case her mom was there and she wanted to stay for bonding time.

I called my mama to tell her to come over and be ready to watch summer. She had to come over here and watch her. Caresha had earned visiting rights and was coming over here to try to reconnect with summer. Summer didn't panic like she used to long as me or Ari was here at the house. They couldn't be alone.

"Come on bae our jet gone be here inna hour" I said grabbing me and her bags. I sat the bag by the door and Ari walked down stairs with summer in her arm and gave her to my mama .

We both gave her a kiss onna cheek. "We love you" Ari said smiling at summer. She knew we was leaving and she had sad puppy dog eyes that was making me wanna take her but I never know what could happen out there in Chicago so no.

She started reaching for me and I grabbed her. "Dada gotta go okay I'll bring you something back" I said hugging her. Ari kissed her on her cheeked . We waved by and walked out the door.

I could hear summer crying as we left.

"Baeeee listen to her" Ari said as we got inna car.

"You the reason she got separation anxiety everywhere you go she go" I said pulling off.

"Always my fault" Ari said getting on her phone. I brushed her off and kept driving .

"It's okay you took my daughter but my son gon definitely love me more" I said smirking.

"Boy" Ari said nudging my arm a little.

We pulled up the jet and Ari independent ass tried to grab her own bags .

"Bro move man"

"No Von I got" she said trying to push me

I managed to get her to move out the way. She just don't know how to relax.

I went into the room on the jet that ari was in.

She was laying down on her phone.

"Before you even ask , I'm looking for a hall for my baby shower" I guess she know when I lay down ima be all in here in phone i don't care though .

"Get yo dirt ahh you think you me?" I said laying down .

"Bae I'm hungry" Ari said rubbing her stomach.

"Go ask the man on the front he'll serve you some food" I said and she got up.

She came back in and had a disturbed look on her face. "What's wrong and where yo food" I said sitting up.

"Ion want it no more Ian hungry" Ari said sitting down I seen her body shaking a little.

I stood up. "What's yo problem bro" I said serious .

"The man was just giving me weird vibes when I was tryna order he asked me was I hungry for him or food" she said looking down .

Anybody that work for me know ion play about my females.

I walked out the room me and Ari was in on the jet. "Aye what you say to my girl" I said balling my fist.

"I'm sorry sir I just thought she was just hoe from 63rd" the man said.

"That's my fucking girl can't you see she pregnant the fuck" I said before ari came pulling me back inna room.

"Bae you not finna fight while we inna air it just won't happen" air said throwing me onna bed laying on top of me.

I was mad and indeed of some pussy right now and her coochie pressing against my member wasn't helping .

I pulled Ari shirt up and start sucking on her breast. She threw her head back in pleasure . "V-Von waitt baeee" she said tryna pull my head back. I had left Hickeys on her breast. I didn't want her riding me cause the baby. I flipped her over getting on top of her missionary . I slide it in and felt how wet she was. "Ouuu bae wait" Ari said trying to guide me in. We hadn't had sex in a while so she had to get use to my length again. I slid the tip in thrusting in and out of her "fuck ma open yo mouth" I said holding her throat. Our tongues collided and I gave her ass a wet slobbery kiss. I looked down and she was creaming all over me .

"Shit I can't stop coming bae fuckkk" Ari cried out. I liked when she tried to out fuck be cause she know ima out fuck her instead.

"Get yo ass up" I said and she got turning over in doggy. I started playing with her clit from the back a little and teased her. "Puttt it in baeee" she said trying to put it in her self . She eventually did and started pounding her self against me. "U better not me be hurting my baby girl" I said slapping her ass . "Fuckk I'm finna come" I said I was now pinning her down and finishing off what I was doing . "Dadddy fuckkk" Ari said grabbing the fuck out of the sheets. I pulled out and Ari turned around and I released all in her Mouth.

I grabbed her throat finishing off  with a wet nasty ass kiss. And we fell asleep .

I woke up from being shook. It was the man that was tryna flirt with Ari . "What you want bitch?" I asked pulling Ari close to me she was still sleep .

"You have arrived to Chicago Sir" he said before leaving out the room. I got up and put my chain and hat back on .

I woke up Ari up and told her let's go . I had to lift her up cause she was still half sleep . Leaning and tilting and shit .  It was 6pm in Chicago .

"Bae you wanna go right now or you wanna go to the air b n b and just chill out for the day?" I asked Ari .

"We can go to the air bnb I'm still tryna prepare for food or bad news" she said running her hands down.

Lord help my girl through this .....

What y'all think Ari momma dead or what ?

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