Part 1: meeting him ❤️

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Ariana Fletcher💕
Atlanta Georgia 📍
July 17,2019

"Ari you gotta come to my hosting tonight, I come to all of yours and you my bestie I need your support"Jayda begged

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"Ari you gotta come to my hosting tonight, I come to all of yours and you my bestie I need your support"Jayda begged.

She was right she was always at my hosting but my birthday was a few days ago and I am still wore out from how hard we partied.

"Okay I'll come I gotta get dressed first though" I walked off up stairs and began to look for something to wear .

I had so many damn clothes, I didn't know what the hell to put on I called jayda phone for help. She had went home to get dressed to. "Wear yo two piece jumpsuit from our clothing line, so we can dress alike".

I started laughing she still thought we kids talking about dressing alike but the outfit was cute so I decided to wear it.

"Dominique dropping me off but we'll stop to get you in 20minutes" I nodded my head and hung up the phone. I had already got inna shower and did my makeup I just had to put my clothes on.

20minutes later .....

"I'm outside" Jayda said I hung up and started walking out the door. "OMG YOU LOOK SO CUTE , I LOOK SO CUTE , DOMINIQUE COME TAKE OUR PICTURE RIGHT NOW" jayda exclaimed.

I started laughing as he hopped out the car and did as he was told. He snapped a pictures of us and we got in the car.

"You want me to post them or you"? I asked Jayda

"I posted our last ones so you can post these" I nodded and headed straight to Instagram to post them.


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Liked by, JaydaCheaves and 507,126 others.
TheRealKylesister: Bad bitch x2 💕
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Arrogant_Tae123 : me onnat hair , love styling you bad bishes😍
Thegirljt: 🦋 keep that pretty shit on lock babies😘

I looked up from my phone after posting my pictures seeing that we made it the club. "Don't go being no hoe Dom" I said in a serious tone.

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