Chapter 15: long time no sky

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Notme woke up in some kind of shed, tied up in some sort of fiber rope. He could tell he was still on Riot's back, because he could sense the rocking motion. He struggled for a little bit, but then heard someone talking.

"Hello Nolan. Long time no see." The familiar voice said. A figure walked out of the shadow. Sky?

Sky was Notme's childhood friend. She, Detective, and Notme were like a little trio. Sky was the brave one, detective was the smart one, and Notme was the kind one. Notme hadn't seen her in years. She was presumed dead.

"What are you doing here?" Notme asked shakily.

"Oh just to bring you to Redd." Sky replied menacingly. "You know how much he's dying to meet you."

"Why would he want to meet me? Does he even know me?" Notme asked.

"Do you even know you?" Sky answered ominously.

"What do you mean?" Notme said, scared.

"You don't even know who you are, Son of Bluee?" She replied. "You don't know your own dad, do you? Of course you don't. He was executed a long time ago."

Son of bluee? Notme thought.

"Okay, let me start from the beginning"


"Where's Notme?" Sweet exclaimed.

"He's gone!" Detective shouted.

But dark grey knew. "Guys stop, listen."

Notme's communicator was still picking up sound! They listened for a little bit. The noise was faint, but they knew exactly where he was. They headed over.


"Bluee was redd's brother. They were sons of Ivan, the king imposter of Imatus at the time. Bluee was sent to banishment after he had a son with a crewmate. And so, redd became king."

"I-, im-," Notme started. "I'M A CREWPOSTER?"

"Yes you are." Sky replied. She slapped the ground. "Hurry up, Riot, no time to lose!"

Sweet and the rest heard everything. They waited for sky to leave, then snuck into that shed thing. They untied Notme, and snuck back out.

Notme started to cry as they headed back to earth.Everyone at Mira hq was shocked at the news. They tried to comfort him, but it was no use. That is, until chewie started to help him.

He found out where his third personality came from. It was supposed to be Notme's second, but it was transferred to chewie somehow.

"It's okay, Notme. It's not your fault." Sweet said. She started to sing the rest of the song.

"Everything we wanted turned to gold. The path we chose, the future on our side.

Never thought I'd do this on my own, but now I wield the sword you left behind."

When they arrived back at the countryside, she sang the rest to comfort Notme.

"The oak tree, where I met you, and the writing on the statue. I still remember every word you said! I'm not a soldier, but I'm fighting. Can you hear me through the silence? I won't give up 'cause there will be a day... we'll meet again."

"Dark for the sunrise, clouds for a blue sky, Space for the traveling star... strong from the inside, you're still my lifeline, I feel you wherever you are."

"The oak tree, where I met you, and the writing on the statue. I still remember every word you said! I'm not a soldier, but I'm fighting. Can you hear me through the silence? I won't give up 'cause there will be a day... we'll meet again."

The song comforted Notme. He finally stopped crying. "I love you,Sweet." He said softly.

"I love you too."

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