Chapter 23: missing

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A few days after Sky was cured, and after they asked ventrilo about the dance, the quistians decided to go back home. They got there at night, and everyone fell asleep soon after they got back to where they lived. Little did they know how bad of a mistake this was.

The next morning, Sky and Detective were the only ones there.

"Hey Detective, where is everyone? I can't find them." Sky asked.

"I dunno, maybe at Mira HQ?" He replied.

But they went to Mira, and they weren't there. Where were they?

"Well, we found some footage of strange activity over where you stayed."Robert, the I.C.F employee mentioned.

"What was on it?" Detective asked curiously.

"Some sort of crewmate with a tophat was there. Then just static." He responded. "When the footage went back to normal, everyone but you two were gone."

"Hmm. I think that whatever that thing was, it used sabotage to get rid of the footage." Sky said.

"That's what I was gonna say!" Detective exclaimed. "Whatever. Well, the tophat thing is valuable information. That means it only could have been Henry or Ellie, the imposters of limbs."

"So, where do we go from there?" Steve, the manager, asked.

"Well, since both are exiled from Imatus, they can't be there. and they're probably not on earth, which leaves only one." Detective stated.

"Polus." Sky said. "Wow... you're really smart!"

"Aww well... they don't call me Detective for nothing." He replied, rubbing the back of his head.

"Well, let's go to polus. It's probably gonna be hard with the skeld though." Sky said enthusiastically.

"Well, just take the drop ship!" Robert said in a playful tone.

"Why didn't I think of that..." sky said, slightly embarrassed.

And so they went.

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