Chapter 27: lonely

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A few days after they got back to earth, everyone was super happy. Sweet and Notme were being the love birds that they are, Detective and Sky were practicing fusing into Andromeda, and Chewie was still on Polus, preparing for his upcoming 13th birthday.
Everyone was happy... everyone, except Dark Grey. He was super lonely. He tried everything to stop being sad, and, despite being the bravest in the group, he couldn't find the courage to actually be with his friends.

Dark grey was sitting on a cliff near where they lived. When Notme walked by, he sensed something was wrong with him. "Is everything okay?" He asked.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Dark Grey replied. Notme knew he wasn't.
"I know you're lying." He said. "Tell me, what's wrong?"
Dark Grey sighed. "A little lonely, that's all."

Dark grey started to tear up, which evolved into a full on cry. This was the first time Notme saw him cry. Dark grey was always so brave and tough. Why was he crying?
Sweet passed them, but couldn't help but notice Dark Grey bawling his eyes out. "What's going on?" She asked. "What did you do?"
"Nothing! I just asked if he was okay," Notme replied "and he started crying!"

Detective and sky walked over. Detective observed for a little bit, then came up with why dark grey was so sad all of a sudden.
"He's been bottling up his feelings."
"What does that mean exactly?" Sweet asked. "Sorry I've never heard that figure of speech."

"It means he's been suppressing his emotions. He doesn't want to express them." Detective explained. "But Just like a bottle, if you end up filling it up too much, it will eventually explode. Him crying now is a good sign, as he's finally getting those feelings out."
"So, like what happened when Chewie was bottling up the fact he was scared of the voices?" Notme inquired.
"Precisely. But Chewie must have been hearing those voices for a long time to explode like he did."

Dark Grey finally calmed down enough to speak. "I'm so sorry for not telling you. I was just too lonely to talk, which made me even more sad, and-" he took a deep breath. "I can't tell people how I feel through words anymore."
"You are now!" Sky said in a sympathetic tone.
"Don't be afraid to show who you are." Sweet added.
"Here, want me to sing for you?" Notme asked him.
"Okay..." Dark Grey said, as he loved Notme's singing voice.
He sang Dark Grey's signature song.

"Look around your shoulder, I don't want to be carried away in a hearse. I wish I knew... how I might die... but nobody knows." Notme sang in a beautiful lullaby tone. "You're a sneaky little imposter, aren't you? Aren't you? You're a sneaky little imposter, aren't you? Aren't you? But youre among us! I can feel it, I can feel it in my bones. So why don't you show yourself?"

Once Notme was finished, Dark Grey was finally calm again. Then they saw the dropship land nearby, and it opened, revealing Chewie and Molten inside.
"We're back!" Chewie exclaimed happily.

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