𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐕𝐈 - 𝐑𝐞𝘂𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧

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As the years passed, you were able to get a job at the candy store. You were quite happy with the turn of events. 

Especially since you now had become a godmother as well. You were the godmother to none other than Joe Bucket's grandson, Charlie Bucket. 

He was an angel of a child. And you wanted to do all that was in your power to protect this child.

You were about to finish up your shift when you heard the voice call from the TV. "Willy Wonka is re-opening the factory once more for only five lucky children!" said the man on the screen. 

Your eyes widened at the sound. W-Willy Wonka? As in Willy Wonka, who was your childhood friend once... You felt tears on the verge of falling. 

He really was back... He... He... You quickly took a few Wonka bars, and brought them to your home.

You wrapped them up for Charlie, since his birthday was today, and you also made a small cake for him as well. Smiling, you made your way to the Bucket's house. You stopped in front of the gates of the factory, only to see it was working at full speed. Willy must have made such amazing machines to not need any workers. You were quite amazed by the fact he was able to achieve so much.

But you snapped out of your daze when you saw the man himself look through the front door, he seemed at a loss for words and all you could do was run off. Hoping he had not seen you just stand there like an idiot. As soon as you saw your godson's house, your attention quickly diverted.

With a wide smile, you approached the little house on the outskirts of the town. In shambled, looking as if it will fall apart, but it actually did not look so bad. You approached the door and gave it a gentle knock. You were greeted by Mrs Bucket, "Ah! Y/n, come on in!" she said, smiling, little did you know that when you entered the small home, someone was watching.

I watched her walk into the small house. But one thing I didn't understand... Was that her family? Was that someone she knew. I remembered her being close to lots of workers, so I thought maybe she was still very close to someone. I decided to sneak up and look in through the window.

Not only that, but I saw a table and a little boy. Y/n seemed to put a cake in front of him, it seemed home-made too, which only meant that Y/n made it herself. The present seemed to be suitable. She brought five Wonka bars to the little boy. He seemed so excited, and the family seemed excited too. The little boy opened the first bar, it seemed it was nothing, the next one was the same. The last one was the one with what seemed to be the golden ticket...

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now