❝𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧❞

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Around a week had passed, and one thing definitely did not change. Willy's love for you. He had been working on finding a way to make you the only heir to the fortune left behind by your parents. And surely enough, he had a hard time finding anything. 

Aside from this, however, you had returned to the mansion, only to be greeted by your brother and his now wife. However, something seemed off, Violet was nowhere to be found. Like she just disappeared. 

Moreover, Willy was able to find the cure for Violet's colour problems, however, this brought way more problems to his plate. He needed you to guide him in the right direction. Even though he was slowly losing hope, he kept himself going, in the hope you'd acknowledge his hard work and effort. 

As you were seated in the living room, you noticed Violet walked in... except... she wasn't violet anymore. "Hello Aunty!" — she said, smiling. You were slightly confused but decided to play along. 

"Hello sweetie." — you said, and the child sat down at a work table and began to write. It was strange, but maybe wealth had changed her, even though you doubted it. 

However, what made your suspicions even worse, was the moment when Scarlett walked in, she was dressed in a blue-red cocktail dress, making you gag at the sight. 

She didn't even bother to change the hairstyle, "Violet, come along darling, we have a ball we must attend!" — she said, making you frown, Violet looked at you as she left, and she seemed... sad? 

What the hell was that? You stood up and walked around the mansion's corridors, seeing that nothing had been changed, not a single thing. 

You guessed that you expected too much from your brother, such as the fact he'd try to change things to the way Scarlett wanted them to be, but it seemed you were wrong. The heritage money had not been touched in the slightest during the week that they got engaged and married. 

This you had to investigate. So when you reached your brother's office, you could hear him talking on the telephone. "I told you. Wonka's money will be a great addition for when Y/n marries him. Yes. I'm aware she doesn't have to give up her part of the heritage... Wait. What do you mean, she's already the owner of the heritage?!" — your eyes widened, you were at a loss for words, what was this?

You decided to listen a little more, "What do you mean the will wasn't valid? Wait wait wait. They changed before their death?! But where was that will then? It was in the bank? So the one in my attic was a useless piece of junk?!" — he shouted, oh Richard, you thought, you knew he was greedy, but you didn't think he'd turn this greedy, thinking everything was going his way.

So, this meant you had to get into the bank and only ask for the heritage, you don't have to marry... you don't have to... wait... WILLY!!! You need to find him! This is great news! Your worries are over! You thought as you almost let a squeal past your lips, covering your mouth with your hand. Crap, this was going to be hard to do. 

You walked off and to the closest staircase. "Roger!" — you called for your limo driver, "Yes, ma'am?" — he replied, you smirked, "To the chocolate factory if you please." — you smiled as he got everything ready to go, you smiled as he opened the door for you and let you inside. He drove all the way to Willy's chocolate factory, and you couldn't wait to see Willy again. 

As soon as you arrived, you thanked Roger for bringing you, and gave him a little candy. As you saw him put it in his mouth, you sighed as he left. A memory loss candy. Your own invention, which Willy turned down. But now you made them for yourself to make sure you have a chance to see him without anyone knowing. 

You spoke to the entrance bell, "Willy, open the gates." — you said, instantly, you could hear shuffling before the gates open, and you walk in. You see him almost running out to greet you, "Y/n!" — he wasn't wearing his hat or his coat or his glasses, he was in tears and ran up to you, picking you up. "Y/n, I missed you so much." — he said as you hugged. "I missed you too, Wilbur..." — you looked him in the eyes as you uttered the name, as much as he wanted to correct you and tell you to stop calling him that, he decided to let it go. 

"Listen, I came to tell you something important. I found out some information from Richard and — "— he cut you off, "No, Y/n, it's too late to do anything, didn't you see they got engaged? We won't get anything now..." — he said, making you sigh, "Willy Wilbur Wonka! Listen to me for one damn time in your life!" — you said, making him go silent. He watched as you took a deep breath. "In the bank there is a will. A will in which it is stated that the money had been left all to me." — you said as you saw a bewildered expression on Willy's face. 

"Y-You mean... W-We didn't..." — he looked at you with what seemed like a sad expression. "Willy... I don't mean it that way. I want to marry nonetheless. This just gives us more time and a bigger budget for the wedding." — you said as you approached him, and he embraced you in a tight hug. "I love you... Y/n." — he said as you chuckled, "I love you too... Willy Wonka." — you smiled into his neck as you stood there and hugged. 

"Isn't a bit cold to stand naked out here like that?" — you asked, he sighed, "I am not naked. I merely lack a fur coat. But yes, you're quite right. Let's get inside." — he said as he took you by the hand and led you back into the factory, a smile on your face and a grin on Willy's overjoyed face. The two of you chuckling and giggling like the little kids you are. The faint memory of a once happier time during the Halloween that the two of you spent together a long time ago. 

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now