𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈 - 𝐒𝘁𝐚𝗿𝘀𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞

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"Good morning, starshine." he said, causing me to smile, "The Earth says hello." we said, or well, he said, and I whispered to myself as I looked at him, Charlie tugged on my sleeve causing me to snap out of my little daze.

"Y/n, why did Mr Wonka greet you like that?" he asked me, causing me to blush, do I tell him? I suppose I should, "Well Charlie, it's a slightly complicated story. Willy and I... We used to be... Very close." I told him, earning myself a glance from Willy.

"Dear guests... Greetings."

"Welcome to the factory.

I shake you warmly by the hand."

"My name is Willy Wonka."

He said, and like from a canon, a girl asked, "Then shouldn't you be up there?" I rolled my eyes as I kept my eyes on him. "I couldn't very well watch the show... from up there, now, could I, little girl?" he said, causing me to chuckle, "Mr. Wonka." I called out, causing him to flinch and look at me.

"I don't know if you'll remember me... but I used to work... here in the factory." I said as I pulled Charlie closer, he smirked but then spoke,

"Were you one of those despicable spies who tried to steal... my life's work and sell it to parasitic, copycat, candy-making cads?" I knew he didn't mean that, I was with him the whole time, I smirked at him, "No, sir." the other women could see there was something between me and Willy, and I did not care. Not in the least.

"Then wonderful. Welcome back. Miss?" he asked for my name as if he didn't know it, making me chuckle, "Y/n L/n." I said looking in his deep chocolate brown eyes he looked into my eyes, and we were silent for a few moments until he snapped out of it and spoke, "Let's get a move on, kids."

The fat boy asked Willy, "Don't you want to know our names?" which made me slightly irritated, isn't it obvious that it doesn't matter until there's only one child left? Only the winner would matter. I thought to myself. But then again, I knew Willy better than any of them.

"Can't imagine how it would matter." he said as we entered, and the door closed behind all of us. I kept myself and Charlie at the end of the group, I knew Charlie wouldn't really be happy like this, but hey, I didn't want to bring too much attention to us.

" Come quickly. Far too much to see." he said as he led us along, "Just drop your coats anywhere." he said, and so both I and Charlie dropped off our coats. Knowing we'd stay here for a while.

"Mr. Wonka?" coughed someone, I once more decided not to pay attention, since I, like Wonka, couldn't care less about who asked. "Sure is toasty in here." they said,

"Oh yeah, I have to keep it warm in here. My workers are used to an extremely hot climate. They just can't stand the cold." he explained, and it only made me more curious about what he meant by that... Who were his workers?

"Who are the workers?" I asked, only for him to reply with "All in good time. Now..." he suddenly gasped as the little blonde girl with gum in her mouth hugged him.

"Mr. Wonka, I'm Violet Beauregarde." she said, causing some sort of feeling to crawl up my spine. Anger? Jealousy? I could not really tell. It was as if she was touching something she shouldn't have.

"Oh. I don't care." Willy said as he looked at the girl. I knew how it felt to be touched when you didn't want to be. It was quite annoying.

"Well, you should care. Because I'm gonna win the special prize at the end." she said as she chewed her gum.

"Well, you do seem confident, and confidence is key." he said, causing me to pull Charlie closer to me, "What's wrong Y/n?" Charlie asked me, causing Willy to flinch, but he couldn't even turn around when the other bratty girl spoke,

"I'm Veruca Salt. It's very nice to meet you, sir." she said as she gave a little bow. I really did not get this. But maybe it was better that way.

"I always thought a verruca was a type of wart you got on the bottom of your foot." he said and laughed, and I chuckled along, causing him to glance back to see me and Charlie following behind. "I am Augustus Gloop. I love your chocolate." the boy said as he devoured the chocolate bar. God, who feeds this child?

"I can see that. So do I. I never expected to have so much in common." he said to the boy and then addressed the other boy. But finally he turned to me and Charlie.

I look at her, her beautiful eyes shined like stars in the darkest of nights. She held the boy's shoulders as he stood in front of her. He looked like a son to her, yet I begged the lord above she was not married.

"Well, you're just lucky to be here, aren't you?" I smiled at the boy and looked at Y/n, "And the rest of you must be their..." I couldn't even utter the word 'parent'. Ew. I looked at Y/n, who smiled,

"Parents." said another person. "Yeah." I chuckled nervously. "Moms and dads." I went silent, but then spoke... "Dad? Papa?" I was about to get lost in a flashback when I felt a hand on my cheek, "Willy. Don't get a flashback, come on, you have a tour to finish." I heard her angelic voice, she smiled as I sighed,

"Okay, then! Let's move along." I said, with Y/n and the boy following close behind me, I heard someone comment, "Is it just me or does Wonka... seem a few quarters short of a buck?"

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now