𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐈𝐈𝐈 - 𝐔𝐧𝐞𝘅𝐩𝐞𝐜𝘁𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝘃𝐢𝘁𝐚𝘁𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Once your shift was over for the day, you packed your things and felt ready to go home. 

At home, you had nobody, since your parents passed when you were 18, around two years ago, you were now living on your own, trying to live off of anything you could.

You were about to leave when you remembered to go and check on Mr Wonka. You knocked gently on his office door. No answer. 

"Mr Wonka, I'm going to leave for the night, I hope you have a nice evening." you said, but before you could really leave, the door to his office opened, "Wait a moment, Miss L/n." you heard your boss call for you.

"Yes sir?" you stood in the hallway looking at the man's handsome face. "I was meaning to ask you something very important," he said, making you tilt your head slightly, you opened your mouth only to close it once you saw him usher you to come inside his office.

"You're well aware that I've been monitoring your work in the factory." he said, you nodded to his statement, "Yes sir." he smiled as he stood close to you, he wasn't wearing any glasses or his coat. 

"I was wondering if..." he went quiet for a moment, unsure if he could finish his sentence, "Mr Wonka? Are you alright?" you asked, causing him to nod, "Listen, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to have dinner with me?" he asked.

You looked at him and blushed. Your boss was asking you out?! What crazy dream were you lost in?! You covered your face and nodded in embarrassment. 

"I-I would love to h-have dinner w-with you M-Mr Wonka." you stuttered the sentence out, causing him to chuckle. 

"You're quite adorable, my dear. Would you like to stay in the factory for the night? It is quite late and dangerous for you to roam on your own outside." he said.

You looked at the clock in his room and realized just how late it was, "I-I suppose I should s-stay, shouldn't I?" you said as he chuckled to himself. 

"Come along now, I'll show you to your room," he said as he took you gently by the hand and led you to a bedroom which was covered wall-to-wall in items in your favourite colour.

"You're so beautiful." he mumbled to himself, you barely understood what he said, he made you blush, "D-Deary me, d-do you mean that Mr Wonka?" you asked him, causing his face to become as red as a tomato. 

"Y-You weren't supposed to hear that part," he said, feeling embarrassed, but you too felt quite embarrassed as well.

You said your goodnight, and you closed the door to the chamber. However, as Willy was about to enter his bedroom, he heard the alarm go off. 

Someone was stealing something from his factory! He seemed panicked, but with your help, he found the culprits. Just in time to stop them from taking the recipes...

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now