𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐈𝐈 - 𝐒𝘁𝐢𝗿𝗿𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐚𝘀𝘁

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It's been quite some time since Willy Wonka was able to open his own factory. His candy business was blooming. 

He had great workers and one of them seemed quite the interesting fella. It was a lovely young woman who worked for him. 

She was relatively new in the crew, working mostly with Joe Bucket. This seemed to poke the young Wonka's interest. 

He would watch the girl speak to all the workers and cause them to laugh. Her beautiful eyes, and her pretty hair, made Wonka blush at the sight.

She was the definition of beauty itself. She pulled at the strings of his heart, causing him to fall into a daze until another worker would snap him out of it.

"Sir, you seem a bit dazed." said Joe Bucket, "Ah, Mr Bucket, I see you're getting along quite well with the new worker, what's her name again?" he asked. 

"Ah, her name is Y/n L/n." said Joe, causing Willy's eyes to widen, that was why you poked his interest so much.

You were no longer lost. You were there. Did you know? Were you aware who you were working for? He had so many questions and even more so when he saw you taste some candy, "Mr Wonka." you approached him, causing him to become nervous. 

"Ah, yes, Miss L/n?" he looked at you, causing you to smile, "Sir, we need more chocolate doves, it seems they are quite popular when it comes to Valentine's Day."

Wonka was in a daze once more, having flashbacks of the past and the first night that the two of you had eaten candy together. 

He then began imagining what he would do if he could only get you alone for one second. 

Oh, what things he'd do if he could have you all for himself. He was thinking about how much he wanted you to be his when you began to snap your fingers in front of his face.

"Mr Wonka? Are you alright?" he finally snapped out of it, looking at you dreamily, "Why of course, we'll order more chocolate to make the doves! I'm sure you can handle it, Miss L/n." he said as you chuckled. 

"You're quite the odd one, Mr Wonka." you shook your head as you went back to work, leaving the dazed Willy Wonka to watch you walk away.

"Sir, you should be more forward with your feelings." said Joe Bucket. "Ah, you don't know the full story, Mr Bucket. She's my childhood friend... But I doubt that she remembers me." he said in a sad tone. 

"I'm sure she would like if you asked her to go out to dinner with you, sir. You have nothing to lose." Willy nodded to himself, "I suppose you're right about that, Mr Bucket. Maybe if I remind her of what we once had... Maybe, just, maybe." he mumbled to himself as he saw you conversing with other workers.

"Yes, I shall definitely ask her to have dinner with me." he mumbled as he kept looking at you, unaware that you knew he was watching you.

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now