❝𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬❞

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 It had been months since it all happened, I still don't believe it's been 2 months since Willy and me got engaged, perhaps it was something I never thought would happen, so now when it truly did, I am still speechless. 

Willy and I had gone on one trip, happily travelling Europe actually, and when we made it home, we completely forgot the problems we left behind, yet these same problems seemed to bite us in the ass now... starting with... of course... my cousin... Norman. 

Willy was in his office, when I opened the door to see him. "Norman." I said through gritted teeth, he seemed to act just the same as I did, through gritted teeth he greeted me, "Y/n." Norman moved to the side, his wife was there too. 

"What is it that the two of you want?" I asked, and without much waiting, I got everything but the answer, "We're looking for our share of the money you're going to get when you marry Mr Wonka." Norman said, rubbing his hands together. 

All I could do was raise a brow, I wasn't surprised, but I surely thought he had more self-respect. "You know you owe us, Y/n." he said. 

His wife, Doris, elbowed him in the side, I snorted, "I don't owe you anything, Norman, if anything you owe me for getting you that house which is in less of a condition than it was when I bought it for you." I said, and it seemed that angered both of them. 

"Now listen here you insolent little slu--" he was cut off by none other than my fiancé, clearing his throat. 

"Ah, Norman, Doris, how lovely to see you're pestering my dear Y/n again." he said. Willy had his usual smirk on his face. 

"Now then, whatever issue you have, you may go resolve it with our lawyer, meanwhile, Y/n, and I have some important business to get to." he only gave me a glance which I could read as a lust-filled one, I was almost scared, what was this all about??? I watched Willy slam the door in their faces and lock the said door, before turning to me, "Shall we?" 

I was barely able to nod as I followed close behind him, he was almost running. 

"Willy! Wait up!" I said, but the moment he stopped, I bumped into him, causing both of us to fall, he was able to turn towards me, so I luckily fell on his chest. 

My face was as hot as the hot chocolate we were drinking yesterday, I could feel the butterflies kick in and make me feel flustered. He was laying there, obviously enjoying the position we were in. 

"I didn't know you like to make love... in public," that sentence was all I needed to hear to get off of him. "WILLIAM WILBUR WONKA!!!" I squealed in embarrassment. 

"That's my name, don't wear it out, starshine." I groaned, "You're so annoying!" and to that, he only got up onto his feet, dusting himself off, "Well, we might as well continue on our merry way, my dear." he said, and to that, I rolled my eyes, "Very well." 

He took my hand, and he continued to rush down the hallways of our mansion, my pants which I replaced my typical dress with was a welcome change, I looked almost as wonky as Willy, which was a compliment to say the least. 

Willy brought me to a door I had not before seen in the mansion, so to say the least, I was curious what it was that was behind the said door. 

"Now, my little starshine, I must warn you, you'll be very pleasantly surprised when you see what is inside this room," he said, and to that, I felt very excited, he slowly gripped the knob and pushed the door open, inside the room was beautiful warm colour, and I gasped when I saw a small cot in the corner of the room. 

"Willy..." I covered my lips with my hand, tears on the verge of falling, turning to him, I saw he too was slightly breaking down, I slowly walked up to him, and looked up at him, my hands upon his cheeks. 

"Thank you..." I mumbled, and he chuckled deeply, "Look, my dear... you have nothing to thank me for..." he said, "We're yet to fill this room with a bouncing little bean..." he said softly, wrapping his arms around my waist. 

"A little bouncing bean..." I blushed, looking at him, looking deeply into his eyes, "Willy... Do you think we..." I looked at the picture which was hung on the wall, the image of me and Willy when we only started working in the factory together. 

I remember being one of the first people who he had employed. I walked over to the picture, "Time really flies, doesn't it, my love?" I said. He smiled, and gripped my shoulders, "I promise to make you happy, my little starshine." 

With that I closed my eyes, happily sighing into his chest, we were indeed happy, perhaps even too happy at this point, but who could blame us? We were going to get married in a month's time, we would hopefully have a little bean in the future, what else could I ever wish for? 

Little did we know that the answer was way closer to us than we thought, and its name was... "Willow" 

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now