𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐕𝐈𝐈 - 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝘁𝐨𝗿𝘆 𝐆𝐚𝘁𝐞𝘀

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I was so excited to see Charlie so happy. I came this morning to pick him up and bring him to the factory, since the Buckets insisted that I go as his godmother. 

This didn't really sit well with me at first, but I decided that maybe this could be my chance to make up with Willy. Perhaps I could go for that dinner he said he would take me to.

But at the gates, I saw many eyes looking at me and my godson. 

I was the one who usually brought him clean clothes and sent him to school, even if my salary wasn't as big as that of a doctor I still had enough money to pay Charlie a good education. 

So it changed the way Charlie spoke and the way I felt every time I saw him.

We were standing as I heard a little girl say:

"Daddy, I want to go in." she seemed quite the brat for a little girl, but then again, what do parents not do for their children?

"It's 9:59, sweetheart." said the father, sounding somewhat normal, but then the girl spoke again: "Make time go faster." which made me roll my eyes, I was annoyed by the bratty girl.

"Eyes on the prize, Violet. Eyes on the prize." said the mother of a little blond girl who was chewing gum. I still remember how Willy used to say he hated chewing gum so much. But when I looked back to the gates I saw they were creaking rapidly, and suddenly I heard his voice once more...

"Please enter. Come... forward," he said from the speaker. Making my body tingle with excitement. I couldn't wait to see him again. To remember the sweet memories of him and working for him.

"Close the gates." said the voice once we were all inside. The gates creaked rapidly once more as they closed behind us. I smiled at the thought of seeing him again. He would turn up very, very soon.

"Dear visitors... it is my great pleasure... to welcome you to... my humble factory. And who am I? Well..." I smirked as I knew exactly what was going to happen now. Willy always spoke about a great entrance like this. Theme music began to play as we watched, puppets laughed excitedly and sang out loud,

" Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka.

The amazing chocolatier

Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka.

Everybody give a cheer! Hooray!

He's modest, clever and so smart.

He barely can restrain it.

With so much generosity.

There is no way to contain it!

To contain it To contain, to contain, to contain!


Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka.

He's the one that you're about to meet

Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka.

He's the genius who just can't be beat.

The magician and the chocolate wiz.

The best darn guy who ever lived

Willy Wonka, here he is!

The amazing chocolatier."

We saw the show, yet in the big chair, there was no sign of Willy. I chuckled as I knew he would have wanted to see the show himself. And it seemed reasonable. That was until I felt someone's lips come very close to my ear. "Hello, Mr Wonka." I turned around to see him smiling. "Hello, Y/n, do call me Willy," he said, taking my hand and kissing the back of my palm.

"Wasn't that just magnificent?" he asked chuckling to himself and I chuckled along, "I do say, you've outdone yourself, Willy."

"I was worried it was getting dodgy in the middle part, but then that finale..." he said as he walked away from me, he laughed, "Wow!"

"Who are you?" asked someone from the crowd.

"He's Willy Wonka," I said happily looking at him, his handsome face really made me melt like the chocolate in his factory. I could still remember the rich flavours of his candy as I watched him.

"Really?" asked someone else, I didn't really pay attention to the other people who were here. Charlie looked at me in disbelief as Willy walked back to me and held my hands in his, warming them up with his breath. "You still look beautiful, my starshine," he whispered to me as I chuckled.

Luckily, the people who did notice where he was standing couldn't have really understood what type of relationship we had. Besides, the game had been rigged from the start. I saw Willy let go of my hands, and he went on to greet everyone who was there besides me and Charlie.

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now