❝𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥❞

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The moment the door closed, Willy broke the kiss and picked you up. 

"Darling, I'll make you the happiest woman in this world." - he said as the two of you kissed once more as he laid you down on the bed which was set up inside the room. 

Your small kiss turned into a make-out session as you felt Willy fumble with the back of your dress. 

You smiled as he took off your clothes, and you did the same to him. You watched his muscular chest, smirking at the sight. "What a strong, lovely body you have, my love." you said as you kissed him again, and you felt him move his hands along your own body. 

"W-Willy." he cut you off as he looked deep into your eyes, "Call me William, my love." he smirked at the sight of your flustered face. 

You kissed once again, but the kiss didn't last long. Soon, he kissed your chin, slowly leaving bite marks down along your neck. You felt the need to grab onto his strong shoulders, "Oh W-William~" you moaned as he bit on your neck harshly.

 "My love, we haven't done this in so long. You taste so delicious as well, my dear Y/n." he licked along your neck, "William ~" 

You felt him move down lower, as he did, you could feel tingles course through your body, causing you to moan from every single kiss you felt on your body. 

Once his lips reached your special place, you were blushing as brightly. 

"W-Willy, no!" you pleaded, but it seemed your pleas fell on deaf ears. You felt something warm and wet ghost across your entrance, making you blush brighter and moan loudly.

His ears filled with the sweet sound of your moans made him lick deeper and more slowly, teasing you as you lay spread out on the bed. 

After a short while, you could feel yourself growing wetter and wetter, causing you to moan in ecstasy, as he licked deeper with his tongue. 

His lips were covered with your juices, making you feel embarrassed, which he adored so dearly. However, things were not over yet. 

You saw him slowly raise his face back to your own, kissing you as he inserted one of his digits into you, causing you to moan against his lips. 

It had been a while since you last made out with Willy, let alone the first time you went further than just kisses, soft licks and such. 

Without much thinking, he removed his fingers, taking one last look at you as he readied himself. 

He took off the rest of his clothes, catching you slightly off guard by the sudden action. You were a blushing mess as you saw him look at you, hunger written all over his face. 

The lust was evident, and even more so, you felt the need to touch him. 

"Like what you see? He-he," he chuckled as he sat up, his knees bent, his member standing proud. Your face turned red as you knew he awaited service.

You slowly crawled over, and before he could tell you what to do, you moved your tongue from the base of his cock slowly up to the tip, licking it all over. 

Even though you were blushing, the lust in your eyes and head made your mind foggy, and you just let yourself indulge in sucking and pleasuring his cock. 

He let out a low growl, catching you slightly off guard, but you didn't hesitate before continuing your work. His member twitched as you teased him and gently suckled on the tip. 

"Darling, this isn't funny." he smirked as you felt his hand suddenly push your head down, and you knew, he wasn't joking. 

Moving your head up and down, you could feel him groan in satisfaction. The pleasure was evident in his voice. 

Your tongue felt great against the underside of his member, you could tell by the way his voice became deeper and raspier. 

However, once he was satisfied, he pulled you up from his member and pushed you, so you were lying on your back again. 

"I love you so much." he rasped softly, kissing your neck, he left a few visible hickeys on your neck, making you moan softly. 

"Don't hold back those beautiful moans, I want more of them," he said as he kissed further along your neck, moving down to your collarbone. 

His lips left a trail of love bites which would remind you of this moment for the next few weeks. 

You felt the heat rise in your body, and Willy caught one of your nipples between his teeth. 

You yelped in fear, but the sound of his tongue moving across your skin calmed you down, the sound of his slick tongue moving made you shiver.

Even though it was a quiet sound, you could hear it, as if he were licking your ears instead. "Willy~" you let out a slightly louder and more lewd moan, making him chuckle as he usually does. 

"What a lovely sound you're making, my love, please, entertain me with your beautiful sounds..." his voice became deeper, and you blushed brighter. 

His smile spread as he moved further down from your nipples, down to your belly. 

"No stretch marks, what a shame, my love. It seems I'll have to make you have those," he chuckled.

It took you a little before you realized what he meant by that. You wanted to scream when you felt his teeth bite into your thighs. 

"Aaah! " Another moan escaped your lips, "O-Oh God!~" you yelped in ecstasy as you felt Willy move closer and closer to your nether regions. 

"P-Please Willy s-stop teasing me!" you begged, making him smirk, "Very well, darling." within moments, his tongue was buried deep inside your nether lips, the essence slowly dripping out and onto his lips. 

You couldn't help but grip the bedsheets, "Oh God, Willy!!!" you moaned as you felt him suddenly leave you as you were so close to your release.

"Now the real fun begins." he chuckled as you watched his every move. His tip slowly poked your nether regions, making you sigh deeply as he finally pushed inside. 

"A-Aggh~" you moaned in unison, his member stretching your tight pussy as he felt it tighten around his member, the two muscles not letting go so easily. 

His member slowly moved back and forth as he moved his hips. You moaned into his ear as he kissed your neck. 

"W-Willy, I-I don't know how much longer I-I'll be able to hold back~"

He smirked, "You won't have to hold back too long, I'll cum soon as well." he said, as the two of you were one big moaning mess.

His groans mixed with your moans, and the two of you kept going, with Willy slowly picking up his pace until he couldn't go any faster. You moaned and begged for your release. 

"Oh, Willy, please cum inside! Oh, please!" you begged one final time as you felt him twitch inside, and you could feel the warm liquids pouring inside your pussy, you were glad it was over, as much as you were sad it was over.

The two of you kissed, as you felt Willy stay inside, "Let's rest for a while," he said, making you nod, "Yes please..." you said, making him smile as he moved his hand through your hair.

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now