❝𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲❞

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"I don't say, that all seemed rather rehearsed." said Mr Salt. 

"Like they knew it was gonna happen." said Mike

"Oh, poppycock," said Willy as he removed his arm from around my shoulder, I chuckled, making him smirk at me, by now the parents began making faces and Violet's mother seemed to have her eyebrow raised as she eyed me. 

"Where is my son? Where does that pipe go to?" asked Mrs Gloop, I rolled my eyes as I looked at Willy with the expression. 

"Get her the hell out of here." he sighed as he spoke to her, "That pipe, it just so happens to lead directly to the room where I make delicious strawberry-flavored, chocolate-coated fudge."

"He will be made into strawberry-flavored, chocolate-coated fudge. They'll be selling him by the pound all over the world?" she spoke, making me hold back my laughter, Willy looked at me as to tell me to keep my laughter in while he speaks. 

"No. I wouldn't allow it. The taste would be terrible. Can you imagine Augustus-flavored, chocolate-coated Gloop? Ew. No one would buy it." he said both Charlie and I chuckled to ourselves as Willy said to an Oompa-Loompa. 

"I want you to take Mrs. Gloop up to the Fudge Room. Okay? Help her find her son. Take a long stick and start poking around in the big chocolate-mixing barrel. Okay?"

They left on their way as Willy offered me his arm to hold, I smiled and did exactly that. 

"Mr. Wonka?" — called out Charlie, "Why would Augustus' name already in the Oompa-Loompa song, unless...?" — "Improvisation is a parlour trick. Anyone can do it. You, little girl. Say something. Anything." — "Chewing gum." — said Violet, making me internally frown, "Chewing gum is really gross, chewing gum I hate the most. See? Exactly the same."

"No, it isn't." — said Mike, "Uh, you really shouldn't mumble." — I said to the annoying boy, I really had it with all these children, as if I couldn't have asked for just Y/n to see me, then again I wouldn't have this much fun. 

"Because I can't understand a word you're saying." — I said as I glared at the boy. "Now, on with the tour." — I said as I took one last look at Y/n, she seemed to be leading Charlie by the hand, "Are the Oompa-Loompas really joking, Y/n?" — he asked her, and she smiled at the boy, "Of course they're joking. That boy will be fine." — she said, knowing he won't be fine at all.

I walked up to her, "You ready for the boat ride?" — I asked while nibbling on her ear again, "I-If you go, I'll go too." — she said as she chuckled, "You taste very sweet, just like the candy I make." — she seemed to be more than eager, I like this game, the game of wooing her, she really did seem to enjoy this as well. 

I must continue to win her even more. I thought as I offered her my arm once more. As we finally made it to the boat, she made Charlie sit in between us, which slightly angered me, I suppose. But the way she would chuckle at me, she really knew how to fix my mood. As if she wasn't already such a help to me, she really made me happy. And she must be aware, because she wouldn't have kept that up, had I been uninteresting to her. 

"Here. Try some of this. It'll do you good. You look starved to death." — I said to the boy, earning myself a concerned glare from my starshine, she smiled as Charlie offered her the spoon filled with chocolate, "It's great! You have to try it, Y/n!" — he said to her, but she refused, "No, thank you, Charlie, I believe I'll be fine for the rest of the trip." 

"You know why it's so great? That's because it's mixed by waterfall. The waterfall is most important. Mixes the chocolate, churns it up, makes it light and frothy. By the way, no other factory in the world —" — I was interrupted by that annoying brat Veruca again. 

"You already said that." — she said, making me quite upset about the way she acted, if any of them really came to win a prize, then perhaps they got the completely wrong idea. 

"You're all quite short, aren't you?" — I said when Violet turned to me and said, "Well, yeah. We're children." — I smirked as I said, "Well, that's no excuse. I was never as short as you." — that was the exact point when the little mumbler spoke once more, 

"You were once." — I rolled my eyes as I said, "Was not. Know why? Because I distinctly remember putting a hat on top of my head. Look at your short, little arms. You could never reach." — I said, hearing a soft chuckle from Y/n, "It is true, you used to wear that hat even when you were just a child." — she backed up my story, causing me to chuckle as well. 

"Do you even remember what it was like being a kid?" — one of the kids asked me, "Oh, boy, do I. Do I?" — I began thinking of my childhood, but I couldn't go far when Y/n asked Charlie to move over, and she was able to snap me out of it, "Willy, get a hold of yourself!" — she said as I took a deep breath, "You're right." 

"Mr. Wonka? Mr. Wonka! We're headed for a tunnel." — said Charlie, yet I could only focus on Y/n, she really made me lose the feeling for what was going on, "Oh, yeah. Uh, full speed ahead." —  I said, earning myself a question from Violet... "How can they see where they're going?" — she asked, "They can't. There's no knowing where they're going." — I said as we went through the tunnel, I now wrapped my arm around Y/n's shoulders once more, hopeful that she won't be afraid of the dark. 

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now