❝𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬❞

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The next morning, you felt like your whole body was breaking. Crumbling even. You weren't too far from the truth, your body was aching because of the fun you and Willy had last night. You sat up too quickly for your good, leaving your head hurting. However, something else seemed to catch your attention when you did. 

Sitting up was also Willy, "Love, are you alright?" - you rubbed his arm, he sighed and looked to the side, "I'm still worried about the Bouagarde woman." - he said, looking into space. "Willy, we will get married on time, and besides, I think we have little to no worry in the world as of now." - you said as you sat beside him, still covered in sugar and covered with blankets, while Willy sat at the side of your bed. "But what if she manages to win?" - he asked. 

You merely sat next to him, gently rubbing his arm, "Don't worry so much about that, William, it will be alright, I promise." - you said to him, making his breath hitch, "Y/n..." - he mumbled, "Yes?" - you spoke back, "Do you think that, perhaps, we could go on a holiday? Perhaps away from this whole mess?" - he asked, and you tilted your head, "Willy, we can go, sure, after Christmas passes." - you said happily. He nodded to your words and the two of you left the bed. 

- - -

Just as you and Willy made your way back to the main house, you saw that Norman had brought his wife and his son, Mike. You held onto Willy's arm as the two of you entered to see a large tree being brought inside the large saloon you had in the house. With a soft sigh, you rubbed your belly, not realizing it either at all. As you stood at the door, little Mike seemed to have slowly been brought to his regular appearance again, however, not completely, but this time, the boy was quiet and quite closed in himself, it seemed. You felt bad for the boy, to some extent, he was your... family, so to speak. You stood by Willy's side as you gave a harsh, "AHEM" making the Teavee family look at you and Willy by your side. Mrs Teevee stood up rushing to you, only to drop to her knees, crying her eyes out it seemed. 

"Please help my little boy!" - she pleaded, "Listen here, Doris." - you sneered. "I have no reason to help your little boy, as you so call him." - you said as Willy brought you close to his body, in utter disgust at the woman pleading for your help. "B-But he can't stay like this! Y-Y/n! You have to help him!" - she pleaded while Norman just watched. He seemed like he had won his little game of pity and guilt-tripping. But you had other plans. You didn't move your head as you glanced at Willy with your eyes. 

He nodded slightly, and you gave out a breathy chuckle, "Fine." - he gave your back a light pinch, indicating that it wasn't what he meant, but you didn't mind doing this, making them suffer a tad bit longer. "We shall see if your boy shall ever be the same. We'll break some bones, maybe even mend them, but we shall see." - you finally said as Mike stood up, "Please Miss! Please help me!" - he said, and you glanced at Willy, then at the rest of the family who were seated over on the couches on the other side of the room. 

The family didn't comment anything, they too seemed a tad bit hostile towards the Teavee family. Norman didn't move an inch as he watched the scene unfold. You shook your head. "Call for them." - you said. Willy nodded. In only a few seconds the Oompa Loompas took Mike, Norman and Doris away, leaving you all in the room. "Phew." - you sighed in relief. "Are you alright, darling?" - he gently spoke. You nodded your head, feeling slightly dizzy all of a sudden. "I-I need to sit down." - you said as you rubbed your temples. Willy slowly brought you over to the couch, sitting with you. The rest of the family worriedly sat all around you.

"Aunty, are you alright?" - asked Violet, her eyes saddened at the sight of you being wick. You shook your head, "Don't worry sweetie, I just have a headache, I'll be fine." - you said. As soon as you laid your head on Willy's shoulder, you felt the tiredness slowly take over you. Even though you had just barely been awake for less than five hours, you felt very tired and sleepy. Your eyes closed as you gave out gentle snores while resting. Willy gently picked you up in his arms, holding you in bridal style.

The rest of the family worriedly looked at one another until Willy had left the room with you in his arms. Finally, Charlie and Violet spoke up, "Let's decorate the salon while aunty Y/n is resting! Then she can wake up to see the beautifully decorated house!" - shouted Violet with a smile. The family couldn't help but smile back as Charlie and Violet asked the Oompa Loompas for help finding the Christmas decorations. "This is going to be so much fun, Charlie!" - said Violet giddily. 

The two children follow the Oompa Loompas to storage, where all the decorations awaited. 


+ finally an update! Lol, it's been a while since I updated this ol' book. After I lost my inspiration for this book, I was afraid I was going to have to put it on my "discontinued" list. However, I decided that I'll just flip the shit up and continue with a completely fresh idea in my mind for the continuation. 

++ I'm sorry if the new continuation won't be as satisfying, but it will kinda follow the old one (note that I don't know where the old one is, lol). Either way, a new chapter will be up in a few days, depending on how fast I update the other stories :) 

+++ thank you all for reading, voting and commenting, it helps me out a lot, and if you'd be so kind as to share this story I'd be even happier than I currently am! Once again, thank you all for reading, and I'll see you in the next chapter! Have a nice day/night/etc. ~  

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now