❝𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞❞

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After another couple of days, Willy had the Oompa Loompas redo his bedroom. They made it a little lighter, to which you told him that it wasn't necessary, as you had finally moved in for good, it seemed. 

The life in the mansion which was built next to the factory was quite fancy and nice. You had brought your godson and his family to live with you, against Willy's wishes, as you really did not want them to stay in their old home. At least not until it was made into a mansion as well, which in turn Willy found was better than keeping them with the two of you. 

In the meantime, your brother, Richard, was slowly regretting the fact he married Scarlett. She was just like Cruella Devil. She hated him and only milked his money out of him. The only good thing was that Violet had actually become like a daughter to him. However, something really foul seemed to be at play right now. 

You were sitting in your main living room while your lover was working in his wonderful factory. As you were knitting, Charlie ran up to you, "Y/n! Y/n! Have you seen the newest candy Mr Wonka put out in the market?!" — he asked excitedly, "Let me guess, he gave you a taste, didn't he?" — you chuckled as Charlie smiled, "Yes! It's delicious!" — he said excitedly as you smiled at the boy, soon his mother joined you in knitting. 

"Hello, Hellen, care to join me?" — you asked as she reached for yarn, "As a matter of fact, yes, I'd love to." — she smiled, "I see you're smiling more than you have been lately, is something the matter?" — you asked her, she could only smile happily, "I believe something magical will happen soon! I can just feel it!" — she exclaimed excitedly as you chuckled, "Are you perhaps heavy?" — you questioned, only to get Hellen to chuckle, "As a matter of fact, yes. But I haven't told Charlie's father. He would only get worried about me." — she said, making you chuckle. 

"Ah, men. They can really be worry worts when it comes to babies." — you chuckled, but Hellen only looked up at you with her eyes widened, "Y/n... you don't mean to say that you are...?" — you went silent for a moment and tried to realize what she meant by that. When it finally clicked in your head, you blushed brightly, "N-No Hellen! I am not pregnant!" — you almost screamed at the top of your lungs as you felt like a rock fell off of your chest. "I never planned to be anyway, Willy and I didn't even get engaged yet..." 

The thought of Willy and that he had not proposed to you yet made you sad. You really wanted him to propose, you only didn't know when he would do it. "Oh, don't worry, darling, your time will come too! I'm sure Willy needs an heir to take over the factory." — she said, you merely sighed, "No, Hellen, he doesn't. He has your son, and he thinks he probably solved all his problems this way. He said something about getting married and all, but I just think he'll forget." — you felt yourself tear up a little as you noticed you were making baby sized socks. 

"Ah, you see, you're more than ready, you're going to be a great mom if you keep knitting like you are right now." — Hellen cheered or at least tried to cheer you up. The two of you kept on chatting, while in the meantime...

... Charlie and Willy were in the factory with his father and grandpas Joe and George. It seemed the men were discussing candy. "Like I said, it's all very important. Especially the waterfall. However, I am feeling like we need something bigger and better!" — Willy spoke in a matter of fact tone, making Charlie smile, "Mr Wonka, what do you think of three more waterfalls? But they mix different types of chocolate?" — he suggested, making Willy grin at the idea, "Not bad, I believe the Oompa Loompas will find the project quite thrilling." — he said as they kept walking through the factory. 

However, at one moment, Charlie stopped and looked over a specific room's door. "What is Charlie, my boy?" — asked Willy, "Why is there a pink room? This door." —  asked Charlie, making Willy sigh, "I was hoping Y/n, and I would have children soon." — he said as he looked at the pink door fondly. "I made this little room just for the little girl I hope we'll have one day." — he said, making Charlie smile. 

"You think Y/n will be fine with that?" — he asked, "The room seems to be quite far from your bedroom." — Charlie pointed out, making Willy sigh. "It's a portable room, Charlie, I only need to move it closer to our bedroom, once we do have a child, regardless of the gender." — he spoke fondly of the thought. 

"I always thought that since I didn't follow my father's dream, I would never find love. At least I thought." — Willy spoke, mostly to himself, but Charlie responded anyway, "You'd be a great dad, I'm sure." — Charlie chuckled as Willy patted his head softly, "You're a good boy, Charlie, I really hope you'll run this factory well." — he sighed in relief as he felt Charlie give him a gentle hug. 

However, ... somewhere, further away... in the mansion of Y/n's brother. Things were slowly escalating beyond redemption...

"Richard. Can you do anything right?!" — Scarlett shouted and within seconds, Richard got a slap on his face. A handprint formed, it was red as a tomato, and Richard wasn't too happy about it. In the meantime, Violet seemed quite scared and worried that her new dad would leave her and her mother because of how her mother acted. Just like she lost her last dad...

"Scarlett, do I have to repeat myself? We're not going to the factory to ask for the money that belongs to my sister. Have I made myself clear?!" — he exclaimed, earning himself another slap, this time on the other side. "You have not. And you're not the boss of me! I will get that money, whether you agree with me or not!" — she shouted at him, now filled with rage. 

Richard sighed as he noticed Violet looking at the two of you fighting and arguing. He looked back to Scarlett and said, "Listen. We'll visit them tomorrow. For now, go to bed. I've had enough of you for one day." — he said, making her stick up her nose in disagreement, and she left the mansion. "I've had it with you! I'll get a divorce if we don't get what's rightfully ours!" — she shouted as the door slammed. 

Finally, Violet emerged, and she ran off to Richard, hugging him tightly as he picked her up, as if she were a little girl. "I don't want you to leave dad..." — she said, making Richard sigh in relief, "I won't, sweetheart. I won't. We can always change things. Turn them around again." — he said as he chuckled, "Now, get ready. We're going to see your aunt, Y/n." — he said, making Violet chuckle in excitement, "Yes dad!" — she ran off to get ready, leaving Richard in the living room. 

"You're doing a great job being the little girl's father, sir." — said a maid, making Richard smile, "I guess I was made for this after all." — he took another look at the wedding picture which had been taken of him and his previous wife, which suspiciously looked a lot like... "Wait..." — suddenly, Richard realized just what he had done. 

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now