𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐈𝐕 - 𝐓𝗿𝐨𝘂𝐛𝐥𝐞

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It had been two days since someone had broken into the factory. And you noticed how Mr Wonka began to change. 

He seemed suspicious of everyone and everything. You couldn't exactly explain what was wrong with him, but it didn't seem to be good.

You were quite aware of the fact that one of the employees was going to try to steal a recipe. 

But from what you knew, they would need to be quite careful about the alarms that Mr Wonka set around the factory, the same as the cameras. 

Which was why you decided that you'd tell him who it was that you thought would try to steal his recipes.

And yes, you were quite fond of Mr Wonka. Fonder than you had been of anyone before. He just reminded you of the boy you once used to know, his name was Willy as well. 

But you never really learned his surname, so you couldn't ever contact him if you wanted to.

But, as you were sitting in the hallway, you noticed something strange. A man wearing a worker's suit, but you had never seen them before. You ran over to the office and knocked, Willy soon opened the door. 

"Sir, I saw someone who isn't a worker in the factory." you said, causing Will's eyes to widen, "Show me," he said, you brought him to where you saw the thief, and he was still there.

"Ahem." he said, causing the thief to turn around and gulp, "Name and surname. And what are you doing here?" he asked, and the man only got more nervous. 

"Well?" Wonka asked, motioning you to pull out a phone and call the police. You did and the next thing you knew, in half an hour, the man had been arrested and taken away.

However, that day, Willy decided. He would close his factory for a while. He couldn't go on like this, he almost lost his recipes once more. 

If he kept this up, then nothing would be able to protect them. He needed to announce this news, and he'd make sure he would do it next thing in the morning. He felt sad, because that meant he'd let go of you, his crush... 

Likewise, he sighed, "Miss L/n, you may return to your chamber." - you could see how upset Wonka seemed.

You touched his hand, "Sir, if you ever need to speak to someone, know that I am right here across from your room." - you said as you were about to leave, when suddenly you were pulled into a tight embrace. You heard soft sobs coming from Mr Wonka. 

He was crying... "Sir... Don't cry..." - you said as you held him. "Shh... Everything will be alright." - you said, feeling the pain in your chest. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." - he said as he sobbed into your chest, you held him close, just wishing he could somehow relax and be happy again.

Little did you know that this was only the beginning of your troubles...

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now