❝𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬❞

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The next morning, you awoke to see Willy sleeping in your bed in your massive home. You chuckled softly, getting comfortable against his body. "Good morning, Starshine, the earth says hello." — you heard him whisper to you, making you all giddy. 

"Good morning, Mr Wonka." — you teased him as he frowned and suddenly was on top of you, hovering over you. "Don't tease me, darling, or else we'll have trouble when we come home." — he smirked as he looked you up and down. 

You were sleeping in your undergarments, and he was enjoying the view. "I wish we had done this way longer ago." — he said as he looked at your neck and lips.

Your body, though smaller than his, he could not help but grope you. You felt him kiss along your neck, moving from your ear, down to your collarbone. He was moving slowly, causing you to become needy and impatient. Just like he did in the factory, he made you so much more need, and he was all for it. That was, until you heard the door open slowly. Making Willy move off of you and to your side. You smirked as you saw that it was your brother, "Good morning Richie, I see you've come harass me again!" — you said as he laughed, "Only because this gentleman will stuff you with candy if you leave with him!" — he said making you laugh.

You got out of bed and dressed in front of your brother as the two of you spoke. Willy wasn't moving from the bed, due to feeling slightly embarrassed because of the situation in which he found himself. "Now, Richard, get the hell out. You're making my lover over here afraid he'll hurt your ego with his huge appendage." — you smirked, making your brother roll his eyes, "Whatever you say, Y/n." — he walked out of the bedroom, causing you to chuckle. "Well, Willy, will you get up or what?" — you smiled as he seemed even more embarrassed about what you did.

"Please don't do that again for the sake of God, Y/n." — he said, making you laugh, "Ah, darling, I had to, because you wouldn't have shown him your size if it were not for me." — you said as you pulled out some clothing for Willy, getting annoyed by the waiting. He took the clothes and went to the bathroom to take care of himself. And in the meantime, you cleared out the bedroom, which was one of the few things that weren't done by the servants.

As soon as Willy came out, you smirked. The black colour suited him perfectly. "You look amazingly handsome, darling." — you said as you fixed up his tie, "I could just eat you like the candy you make." — you smirked as you walked with him out of the room. The way he walked, his posture, it made you almost embarrassed to walk by him, as you thought you weren't pretty enough. But he held you close as you walked down to the dinning area.

The dinning room, quite richly decorated and beautiful, was almost like a palace. You took a seat with Willy's help, and he sat next to you. The way Richard glared at him, it was quite obvious he did not like Willy. And as for that, you did not care what he thought. As you had to endure endless torture by his ex-girlfriends, and you did not want him to even try to scare Willy, even though you did not believe this to be possible. Especially since you did know that Willy was capable of taking him on.

Charlie was sitting at the table as well, across from you and Willy, when suddenly a woman appeared, and not just any woman. It was the one woman you hated most and had to spend time with regardless of your sickness.

"Hello everyone!" — she said, her daughter walking behind her. "Hello, Scarlett." — I said, glaring at her blueberry daughter, at the moment I greeted her, she looked up to see Willy sitting next to me, "Oh Mr Wonka what a pleasure to have you at our home!" — she said, I merely rolled my eyes, ''Our home''? What in the fucking hell was her problem? Did she really not miss her home at all?

Meanwhile, the little brat seemed to be glaring at Charlie, which made me glare right back at her, I looked to see Richard make Charlie get up. That was the exact moment I got up, "Come here Charlie, take my seat." — I said, making Richard frown, "What nonsense is this?! Don't be silly, you always sit by my side!" — I rolled my eyes as I made Charlie sit in between Richard and me, Willy didn't seem to mind. 

I felt him hold my hand from underneath the table, making my face turn sightly warmer than before. "Y/n, will you stop your silly games? What do you have against Scarlett and Violet???" — he said, making me roll my eyes once more, "I do not have anything against them as human beings, it is something else that is bothering me quite a lot." — I said, making Richard groan in a displeased manner. 

I got up from the table even before breakfast had been served. "I believe we'll have breakfast done to us in my sleeping chambers. We must discuss many things, yes, many things indeed." — I said, finally giving the two males a signal to follow close behind me. 

Albert knew very well what it was that upset me, and he, too, had been quite upset by the fact that my brother was going to marry her. Then again, it was none of my business. But oh boy, was he going to regret marrying HER out of all women in this world. 

However, as we walked, Willy at one point stood in front of me, stopping me from continuing on my way to the bedroom. "Y/n, what was that?" — he asked me, but I didn't know what answer to give him, he brought this woman to my brother's attention and I couldn't make him dump her. 

"Listen, Willy, neither you nor Charlie will want to be here. The very reason I have been sick this whole time is because that wretched woman had been poisoning me! She thinks I'm Richard's wife, for crying out loud!" — I said and sighed, continuing on my way to the bedroom. "We're leaving this mansion because I cannot stay here and await my death." 

Suddenly, Willy stopped, "She what?!" — I turned around to see Willy filled with what seemed like anger, "Mr Wonka, calm down! You cannot do much right now! Even if you wanted to help my godmother, there was no way! We don't have any proof!" — said Charlie, I merely shook my head, "Oh there is. I just won't use it. Because if I did, I have no money to my name." — I said, making Willy look sadly at me, "Out of everything here... You don't own anything?" — he asked, I rubbed my chin, and suddenly I remembered.

"Come along. I must show you something. It is very important!" 

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now