𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝘁𝐞𝗿 𝐕 - 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝘀𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐨𝘄𝐧

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It was an early winter morning when Willy decided it was time to share the news with all the workers. Willy told all of them to wait for him outside. You included. 

You were standing in the cold when Willy appeared. "Greetings everyone. I gathered you all here to tell you that I'm closing my factory." — he said. Making your eyes widen, he was going to do what?!

The crowd of workers could be heard murmuring. Everyone was afraid and confused at the same time. 

You saw him finally sigh, "I am well aware that you all will need jobs, but I cannot keep working like this. Knowing that my recipes could be stolen at any point of the day. I shall rather close my factory than have my precious recipes stolen. I do hope you all understand. Good day."

He was about to close and lock the door forever, when you suddenly stopped him," W-Wait s-sir! Y-You can't do this to all of us! None of the workers have tried to steal the recipes!" — you tried pleading, but he sighed. 

"I am sorry, Y/n... I'm just not the same person you once used to know." — he said, finally closing the door of his factory.

You and the other workers left and with what you believed was a lie, you left empty-handed. And that dinner? 

It seems Wonka had completely forgotten that forgotten about it, and you decided it would be best if you forgot that you had any feelings for Mr Wonka at all. 

You didn't want to hold the burden of heartbreak again. You had already lived to lose Willy... Furthermore, you didn't want to imagine losing someone you cared for again.

Soon, you arrived back at your home. You took the newspaper you bought earlier this morning, and you began searching for a job. 

It seemed that the nearby candy shop was hiring. Maybe if you had some luck, you'd be able to apply for the job and at least earn enough to keep yourself on your own two feet.

Meanwhile, in the factory, Willy was having a mental breakdown. He didn't even realize how he shut you out the moment he closed the door in your face. 

He wanted to open the door, to call for you, but he knew you were gone. 

Not only that, but he would never find you again. He knew he wouldn't. He then decided to visit the land. A strange yet another land he could escape to find an adventure. Loompaland.

He decided to travel by plane until he managed to get into the strange land. To get you off of his mind and to forget you altogether. 

He was packing his things when a single item fell to the floor. A hairpin. He smiled at the sight of it. 

It was your hairpin. You used it to put your hair into a beautiful bun. It made him blush when he thought of your body again. Losing himself in the love he still felt for you...

... Knowing very well that he would forget you quite soon...

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now