❝𝐔𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞'𝐬 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬❞

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As you walked to a room, far away from all the others, the attic, you remembered one important thing. "Here." — you said as you dug through dusty papers, "In these papers, is my father's will." — you said, pulling out the old piece of paper. 

"We can now leave this house. And we need to leave it soon. We can't let Richard find this. He will try to speed things along." — you said silently. As soon as you were out of the attic and in the bedroom, you saw the food, already brought to the room. 

Albert probably had Matilda and Rose bring the food upstairs. 

You smiled, but before you tried any of the food, you took a good sniff. You felt disappointed, poison. It probably wasn't Albert or the rest of the staff, they cared for both of you, but you remembered that someone else came right from the kitchen. 

"That woman, she tried poisoning us..." — you muttered, making Willy sigh deeply, "You can't be serious." — he said, making you sigh as well, "I am, Willy, Scarlett just tried poisoning us. She must be aware of the will." — you thought as you looked around your room. 

"We'll leave tonight, pack all my things, I'm leaving this place once and for all." — you said as you felt the pain of the truth. Your own brother, choose another woman over his own family. But you didn't plan on telling Willy. No, you couldn't. 

You didn't have the heart to tell Willy that she and her daughter didn't learn anything from that visit and, for a fact, they were after Willy to find the cure to Violet being... well... violet. So, you decided that with the will, you'd leave the home, and find sanctuary somewhere else. 

At first, you were afraid to even think of going to the factory. But the more you thought of it, the more you wanted to return to your once workplace and the place where you and Willy made so many memories already, it really made you happy. So you finally made sure nobody was looking, and you decided you would go back to that wonderful place.

You were going back to Willy's factory. This was exactly what you did, as you made it official to the staff that you left, but none of them was allowed to tell Richard. If they were to inform him, he would speed things along, or at least Scarlett would, and you needed all the time to make this news very, VERY official to everyone. 

Your plan was almost perfect, it had one flaw, however... What if Willy did not want you to marry him? What if he did not want you to hang over him like a dead goose... You began to wonder and wonder and finally, you broke down. Willy was at your side as the three of you had run away from the mansion, in the search of the Great Glass Elevator.

Since Willy knew this could be dangerous, he sent Charlie to keep looking until he finds the elevator, "Y/n, starshine, what's wrong?" — asked Willy, making you look up at him, but you then cried harder and looked away, your sobs were incoherent mumbles that he could barely understand. "Starshine, look at me." — he said as you disobeyed his words, making him sigh and bring your chin up as he leaned in and kissed you.

"You're being difficult, you know. I suggest we keep going if you want this plan to work. I won't marry a dead woman, you know." — he chuckled as he helped you up, making you take a couple of deep breaths. "T-Thank you, W-Willy." — you said as the two of you walked around looking for the elevator. It wasn't an easy task. Your tears made it hard to see a little, but with Willy's help, you could walk just fine. 

"You know, starshine, I always dreamed we'd get married. Just not in these circumstances." — he said, making you blush, your tears slowly stopping. "R-Really Willy?" — you asked him, he smiled at the sight of your face, "Did you think you'd hang over me like a dead goose?" — he asked, making your smile fade, "I only meant it for Charlie's family, not you." — he said, making you angry, "Still. That is not nice, Wilbur." — you said it, his middle name, the name he grew to hate. 

"Starshine, don't call me that." — he said, getting angry now as well, "Well, you should have told me sooner, Willy Wilbur Wonka." — you said, making him grab you by the shoulders, "Y/n. I told you to stop. Will you finally quit calling me Wilbur!" — he said, now glaring at you as he had pushed you away from him, causing you to fall and get angrier. 

"Listen here you cockroach, you would be nothing without me! I was the one who made you inspired by my ideas! You only partially acknowledged my existence, and now you want to marry me for what?! The money we'll inherit if we get married?! Get the hell out of my sight!" — you said as you finally walked off. Not in the way of the mansion, in the way of the city. Willy watched you walk away, once more he was alone, not even a few days could have passed and now, he had lost you again. Once again. 

"Mr Wonka, what do we do now?" — asked Charlie, making Willy look at him, "Go with her, I'll figure a way to make things right, I have to, I must... for I, Willy Wonka, trust her love for me. And that it is, in fact, endless." — he smirked as he watched you disappear in the busy street, standing there as Charlie ran after you, to hopefully catch up with you. 

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now