❝𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫❞

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As you and Willy ran around the town in your latex black suits, you felt more free than you had ever felt before. 

Only the fireflies flew across the city, shining as the two of you walked and ran around the quiet streets. 

And as for everything else... it seemed, the world was stopping again. And maybe this time, it would stop for good. 

"Willy! Wait up!" — you called after him, causing him to laugh and catch you in his arms as you bumped into him. 

You finally reached one street, which brought back many memories for both you and Willy. 

The street where one flat was no longer there, the one where Willy ran away from to go trick or treating with you. 

Mr Wilbur Wonka's flat. Suddenly, a silence washed over the two of you. You didn't really ever get to meet Mr Wonka, but at this point, you weren't certain if you ever would. 

Willy had been telling you about Mr Wonka some long time ago, he didn't like talking about his father in general. 

Must have had a bad childhood. 

But even though you knew, you tried to cheer him up, "Want to go home?" — you asked, and Willy merely nodded, not really realizing at all. 

"I would like that, my love." — he said, taking your hand and leading you away as he would a little child. 

You didn't mind, a little age play always made you slightly more attracted to Willy. Why? Well, he always acted so nice and protective, it was too much for you at some times. Too much cuteness.

However, the timing wasn't right, which made you wait and see what he would say or do. You didn't want to rush him, but you weren't really getting any younger. 

It was going to be a long way until the two of you finally reached the factory. Smoke was still coming from inside, making you quite happy. All was in order, you thought. 

However, as soon as you entered back into the factory, you noticed some things looked out of the ordinary right of the bat. 

Things were quite quiet, and you didn't like that. Mostly, at night, the Oompa Loompas would switch between the morning and night shift, but it was deadly quiet. 

"Willy, let's go to the security." — you said. You and Willy made your way to the security room and checked all the cameras, it seemed that someone broke in. 

You decided to sound the alarms and begin the emergency lockdown. It was something you and Willy had developed when you were still working for him.

However, this person seemed quite strange. You thought you had seen them somewhere. And you realized where you had seen them before. It was Mr Teevee. 

Probably after the cure for his son, or possibly money for his surgery or something of the sort. As you looked up at Willy, it seemed that he wasn't as worried. 

As soon as the factory had a lockdown, the Oompa Loompas acted as security, taking care of the robber, or well, Mr Teevee. 

"Why good evening, Teevee, I see you're quite the sneaky rat, breaking into our factory." — spoke Willy, making you smile.

"So, you decided to marry him after all? Pathetic, even your brother married a better looking and more sane person." — he said, making you frown 

"Who are you to speak, Teevee, as far as I know your wife happened to be paid to marry you. Am I right?" — you smirked as he looked at you in disbelief, "Face it, Norman, you're a disgrace to our family." — you spat

"You are a disgusting waste of time, thank god you're not directly related to me." — you inquired. 

Willy looked at you, in what seemed like disbelief, "You're related to Mr Teevee?" — he uttered, making you chuckle, "As a matter of fact, yes, he is my aunt's son. The reason he doesn't wear the same surname as my brother. 

He would have been an L/n, had my aunt been a male, thank god he isn't an L/n. It is embarrassing enough." — you spat once more

"So, your father had a sister?" — Willy asked, "It's a long story, Willy. Now come, Norman, we have business to discuss." — you said, making him nod in agreement.

You walked all the way to the office, where you spoke to Norman. It seemed he was alone, but for a good measure, you had the workers search the factory grounds, just in case. 

You glared at him, "Now, Norman, tell me what the hell did you come here for?" — you urged, feeling the need to know the answer. 

"I came here, thinking Wonka might have a cure for Mike." — he begged, but you only frowned. 

Compared to what people thought of you, there was more to you, than they could possibly imagine. 

"Your son did not deserve the cure." — you said, and Willy smirked, "If your son wanted a cure, he might as well just come himself. I won't mind breaking a couple of his bones to make him fit again." — he threatened, but you merely tapped his shoulder 

"Willy, your composure." — you raised your eyebrows. "Listen here, Teevee. You can change your last name, but it won't change the fact you're a failure, and you raised your son so that he is nothing and is worth nothing. If you really wish to be a good father, then get your fucking life together. And be a man. Don't disgrace us any more. Otherwise, you might not get to see the light of day, for a long time." — you threatened again, making Norman nod in fear, yes, you were a good person, but even you have your limits...


My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now